Clear Quartz Star of Venus with Teardrop Moldavite Crown

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This lovely Clear Quartz Star of Venus pendant with a teardrop shaped Moldavite Crown comes with a sterling silver chain which will hang right at the thymus between the heart and throat chakras where it will resonate through the loving heart.

This is a lovely Moldavite specimen, displaying prominent interior bubbles created by the meteor impact that delivered this otherworldly gemstone to Earth's surface.

The Metaphysical Properties of Fivefold Symmetry

The fivefold symmetry of the Star of Venus pendant, reflected in the sacred geometry of the pentagon, is found throughout nature.

Look closely at the leaves on trees and shrubs in your yard.

This spring, make a list of the many flowers with five petals, and a pentagonal geometry. 

They are all either compressed or elongated pentagonal structures.

Observe the blueberry, pear, apple, starfish, or the microscopic diatoms that populate the earth's crust. They all exhibit a pentagonal structure.

As the noted sacred geometrician and Roman architect Vitruvius observed, the human body, with its five senses, five extensions from the torso, and five fingers and toes, is a beautiful example of the pentagonal structure common to many living beings.

The Pentad is associated with excellence, power, beauty and efficient design structures, and these associations are enhanced by the fact that Nature has employed the pentagon throughout Earthly creation, especially in the plant and animal kingdoms, to figure forth living, sentient beings of a myriad of types.

It can hardly be a coincidence that Pan, the Greek God of Nature and fertility, is symbolized by an upright five-pointed star. Venus, the Roman Goddess of beauty and fertility, sexuality and love, in her role as a planet in our Solar System, travels over eight years in an orbit tracing a five-petaled figure among the stars.

Energy healers, shamanic practitioners and meditators who wish to link their own energy to the Divine Source of Love and Light and Creative Form that structures and energizes and sustains this material creation can call upon Lady Venus and the Great God Pan while performing energy work, meditation or shamanic healing using the Star of Venus pendant, and the pendant will transmit and amplify the stream of energy from that Divine Source many fold, empowering the work in a very beneficial way.

In the Western wisdom school tradition of Esoteric Wisdom, the five-pointed star is associated with the birth of the Higher Self. This is undoubtedly connected to Kabbalistic scholarship concerning the nature of the five elements, Yahweh and Yeheshuah, also known as Jesus Christ.

Yahweh, also known as Tetragrammaton, the old Teststament God of the Jewish people, is represented in the Kabbalah by four Hebrew letters, Yod, Heh, Vau and Heh. Thus the name of God is YHVH, Yahweh, or Jehovah. The four letters of the name of God correspond to the four Hebrew letters associated with the four elements, Fire (Yod), Water (Heh), Air (Vau) and Earth (Heh).

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Dove of the Holy Spirit (alabaster stained glass, Chair of Saint Peter, Saint Peter's Basilica, Vatican City), ca. 1660

Dnalor 01, CC BY-SA 3.0 AT, via Wikimedia Commons

Christian Kabbalists discovered that by placing the Hebrew letter for Spirit or Divine Fire, or Universal Life Force Energy (Shin) in the middle of the name of Yahweh, one creates the name Yeheshuah, or Jesus, YHSVH. Esoterically, this represents the role of Christ, who infused the material world of the four elements with the Divine Fire of the Holy Spirit, the fifth element, through his life, death and miraculous resurrection.

Christian Kabbalistic healers use a very special mantra for healing and protection that utilizes the secret Hebrew names of God and Christ. This mantra is as follows: "Yod, Hay, Vow, Hay; Yod, Hay, Shin, Vow, Hay" (YHVH, YHSVH). Simply repeat this mantra over and over silently or out loud, and you will gain protection from all negative energies and thoughtforms and all dark influences in all three worlds.

By saying this mantra, by repeating these words of power, while meditating with the Star of Venus pendant, or by using this mantra when performing energy healing work, the practitioner will unite the lower mind with the Higher Self, and create a flow of healing energy that springs from the Source -- the living Christ Consciousness and the Holy Spirit, elevating the power of the spiritual work being undertaken, and insuring that the work is performed for the best and highest good of all concerned.

Properties of Moldavite

Moldavite is a rare bottle-green translucent stone of unearthly origins. Scientists postulate that a meteor shower in the Moldau Valley of Czechoslovakia some 15-20 million years ago caused extra-terrestrial material to fuse with earthly rock formations at very high heat, forming fused glass -- the only moldavite known to exist.

As the melted rock traveled at high speed through the upper atmosphere, the super-heated material was shaped into a variety of unusual formations typical of splash patterns found in liquids: spherical, oval, drop, dumbbell, elliptical, rodlike or spiral. The rarest of moldavites resemble intricate opened flowers.

Scientists are unsure about the exact origins or composition of moldavite. It is not considered to be a member of the mineral family and displays unusual characteristics. It is classed as a mineraloid gemstone, a member of the tektite family, with no classifiable crystal structure. Moldavite's chemistry is unique and as yet unexplained.

Moldavites are the rarest of gems, perhaps more rare than diamonds, rubies or emeralds. Moldavites have been prized for over 25,000 years, since archaeologists have discovered moldavite shards and pieces in cave dwellings of that era.

In his book Moldavites: The Czech Tektites, Professor Vladimir Bouska states that "The first human being that was interested in Moldavites was a Cro-Magnon man from the aurignacian age, i.e., the Upper Paleolithic. Several potsherds [fragments] of green Moldavite glass were found together with the famous statue of Venus of Willendorf, which is about 29,000 years old, at Willendorf in Lower Austria."

Moldavite is known as the "Grail Stone". Legends say that the Holy Grail was formed out of a green stone that fell from Lucifer's crown as he descended from his heavenly abode to Hell, impelled by the force of a blow from the sword of Michael the Archangel. Until recently it was assumed the Grail Stone was emerald, but recently metaphysical rockhounds have suggested that the true Grail Stone is moldavite, a translucent green gemstone that fell from the sky millions of years ago.

Moldavite activates any and all of the chakras and also opens the mind to the limitless possibilities inherent in its cosmic origins. Moldavite's energy tends to dissipate blocks throughout the energy system and then center energy in the heart, opening the heart to universal love.

Moldavite is a the stone of transformation, par excellence. Working with Moldavite can have a profound effect, enabling the holder or wearer of this exceptional stone to consciously release unwanted programs, scripts, energies & thinking from their lives. The bearer of moldavite will often find that difficult or painful people, situations and conditions will be released, and then replaced by similar people, places or situations that are more congenial, more positive and more beneficial. 

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. 

Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: Net weight is 6 grams.

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