Clear Quartz Super Nova Pendant with Pink Tourmaline

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Sale price$246.00


This unique and beautiful Clear Quartz 14 mm Super Nova Pendant with trillion-cut Amethyst accent stone is a new cut for the 21st Century from our favorite jeweler, Paul Jensen who brought you the power cuts metaphysical tools line of jewelry which includes the Star of David, Ascension Star, Angelic Star and other Tools for Evolution.

Pink Tourmaline resonates with the energetic signature of the heart chakra, which is considered to be pink or green in the Western chakra system. Thus Pink Tourmaline aids in gently releasing emotional wounds from your past, and creates an energetic "safe space" in which you can feel free to open your heart and experience the Unity of life, along with the joy and abundance that come with Unity consciousness.

This gorgeous piece is truly a sparkly jewel, set into a sterling silver setting which allows the stone to breath, it hangs on its sterling silver chain right on the thymus between the throat and the heart chakras, offering protection to the whole body resonating through the compassionate heart.

Metaphysical and Physical Properties of the Super Nova Pendant

This remarkable pendant combines two spectacular cuts. On the back of the Clear Quartz Gemstone is a modified Millennium Cut, a starburst pattern that was created in the early years of the 21st Century by master jewelers to reflect the emerging consciousness of a new millennium.

The surface of the gemstone is laced with an intricate pattern of flat hexagons, like a honeycomb or the eye of a honeybee. The compound eye of a honeybee consists of an array of hexagonal visual sensors designed to maximize the honeybee's ability to detect tiny movements in shadow and in the lower, infrared light frequencies, enabling the honeybee to achieve maximum awareness of predator movements in deep shadow and also provides amazingly acute peripheral vision.

The honeycomb is also composed of hexagonal cells, so we call this cut the honeycomb cut, and this unique cut is said to help the bearer to bring to consciousness all the information that is normally held subliminally, in the unconscious mind, or which is in the periphery of consciousness and awareness. This honeycomb cut pendant can help to render the bearer much more acutely perceptive, and to enhance the critical spiritual faculty of discernment, which is so vital to us all in today's rapidly changing, tumultuous global environment.

You can see the beautiful hexagonal faces on the surface of this remarkable pendant in this photo.

Properties of Tourmaline

Tourmaline is the name given to a family of minerals forming hard, slender vertically striated prismatic crystals, often hexagonal, trigonal or rhombohedral in shape, with a high specific gravity, classified as complex aluminum borosilicate. Tourmaline is an igneous mineral that commonly forms in granites and granitic pegmatites.

Like quartz, tourmaline crystals will generate an electrical charge when pressure is applied in the direction of the vertical axis. This is called piezoelectricity. In addition, some tourmaline will generate an electrical charge when heated.

Tourmaline is the birthstone for the month of October and the Zodiacal sign of Libra. In ancient Hindu tradition, the tourmaline is a stone of motivation, which impels the wearer toward the good, and a "teller" stone that gives insight in times of duress and can identify sources of distress in the wearer's environment.

Shamanic practitioners in African, Native American and Aboriginal tribes have used tourmaline for centuries to provide protection from physical danger and to amplify healing powers.

Common tourmaline is black, and the lighter colors, such as blue and light green, are much more rare. The colors in the stones are created by the presence of various metallic ions such as iron, titanium, chromium, and others. The various colors of tourmaline are associated with the seven primary chakras within the human aura.

Pink Tourmaline resonates with the energetic signature of the heart chakra, which is considered to be pink or green in the Western chakra system. Thus Pink Tourmaline aids in gently releasing emotional wounds from your past, and creates an energetic "safe space" in which you can feel free to open your heart and experience the Unity of life, along with the joy and abundance that come with Unity consciousness.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Note: Weight above is shipping weight. Actual weight of this pendant is .20 oz. Each piece is unique and may vary slightly in appearance. Each piece is guaranteed to be beautiful and to meet with your complete satisfaction!

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