Curved Teardrop Rose Quartz Gemstone Pendant by Lawrence Stoller

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Sale price$1,007.00


This unique 1.375" long 53.5 carat AAA Curved Teardrop Rose Quartz Gemstone Pendant with Rainbows was created by Lawrence Stoller, critically-acclaimed artist and crystal cutter who is known world-wide as a fabricator of magnificent works of art created in partnership with Nature & Light. This AAA rose quartz came from the Vasconcelos family mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

"'Creative genius' is a term I have seldom used in my life," says William E. Boyajian, President of the Geological Institute of America. "But I use it now to describe Lawrence Stoller, for these are the words that typify both his passion and his ability to preserve and protect beautiful crystals of nature -- and thereby transform them into creations that inspire countless thousands of people around the world."

Lawrence's work is in worldwide museums & collections.

Lawrence StollerLawrence has created a magnificent centerpiece for American Express's Eleven Tears World Trade Center Memorial. He thinks of crystals as "frozen light". Lawrence fashioned this beautiful Gemstone Rose Quartz Pendant as a "Platonic" or "perfected" version of quartz and mineral forms found in nature.

To showcase the subtle beauty of this Platonic form of crystalline nature, Lawrence preferred to avoid any type of metal finding, bale or basket, simply drilling a small hole in the female end of the crystal for a chain or cord.

The pendant comes with a simple black cord and a beautiful golden clasp, created by Lawrence to complement the elegant design of this unique pendant, complete in a velvet jewelry box for safekeeping.

This pendant was carved from highly prized AAA gemstone quality Brazilian Rose Quartz, and exhibits fantastic luminosity along with a deep rosy color characteristic of this variety of gemstone quality Rose Quartz.

This Rose Quartz Gemstone Pendant resonates most powerfully with the vibrations of the Rosy Ray. The Rosy Ray emanates from the Divine Feminine, the Great Goddess, and is a manifestation of Unconditional Love. The Rosy Ray vitalizes the nervous system, and is connected to the heart chakra. The Rosy Ray softens the energy signature of the aspirant and supports the opening of the heart in compassion to all humanity and the entire web of life, making this stunning, beautiful pendant an ascension stone par excellence.

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz normally exhibits a coloration ranging from pale pink to rose red. Scientists believe the color arises from trace amounts of titanium, iron or manganese within the crystal material. Recent research also indicates the rosy color may arise from thin microscopic fibers of the mineral dumortierite, a form of aluminum borosilicate.

Rose quartz is generally found in large formations, and usually is too clouded with inclusions to provide good material for cutting gemstones, so gemstone quality rose quartz is quite rare and valuable as a mineralogical collector's item.

Rose quartz also has beneficial properties for meditation and healing purposes.

The color rose pink is often associated with the heart chakra in the Western chakra system, and rose quartz is believed by crystal healers to activate and energize the heart chakra.

For meditators, rose quartz can be valuable in releasing energy stuck in the heart chakra, and also help us to attain a feeling of safety and emotional security that is supportive of all spiritual practices designed to open the heart chakra, and develop compassionate feelings, thoughts and actions.

Crystal healers also find rose quartz to be extremely beneficial in treatment of individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one, or who find themselves picking up on the emotional wounds of others around them.

Rose quartz has often been used in the treatment of wounds to the emotional body, and especially a wounded heart, but can be used effectively in treatment of wounds to the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra.

This unique Gemstone Rose Quartz Pendant displays a rare bluish-lavender cast that adds to the beauty of its rosy glow. The bluish-lavender coloration resonates with the throat and crown chakras, which are associated with the colors blue and violet in the Western chakra system. Pink relates to the heart chakra so this beautiful gemstone pendant works to energetically connect heart, throat and crown chakras, empowering the wearer to connect with their own inner spiritual guidance and speak their own truth direct from the heart, fearlessly and clearly.

Rose quartz is perfect to place on your altar, by your bed or in the room of a loved one or one who needs extra emotional support. It imparts a warm pink glow and elevates the emotional frequency of the environment in which it resides.
Rose quartz projects a soft, soothing, gentle energy that resonates with vibrations of love, and is especially supportive in cases where an individual is developing the capacity for self love. It sends out an energy of unconditional love, as compared with passionate love, so the energy of rose quartz resonates with the heart chakra rather than the lower chakras.
This is a gently healing stone, allowing for the slow opening of the heart to healing and loving energies. It supports the wearer or bearer of this stone in all spiritual practices and daily activities that promote the development of compassion for all beings -- and especially for oneself.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Use this powerful crystal with loving care and respect its long evolutionary journey deep in the Earth, which has developed its unique metaphysical properties and beautiful appearance.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: weight above is shipping weight. Actual weight is approximately .4 oz. or 11.3 grams.

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