Danburite Mini Magician Stone Pendant with Hessonite Garnet Crown

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Sale price$434.00
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This gorgeous pale pink blush hued Danburite Mini Magician Stone pendant with its rich orange red Hessonite Garnet round accent stone has a tremendous sparkle & warm glow to it & is a very powerful piece offering protection and beauty to the one who wears it.

It is a polished & cut stone, an exceptionally clear jewel set into a sterling silver setting which allows the stone to breath and comes in a black velveteen pendant box for safe keeping. The pendant hangs on its sterling silver chain right on the thymus between the throat and the heart chakras, offering protection to the whole body resonating through the compassionate heart.

The combination of Danburite with Hessonite Garnet is considered to be very protective, helping us to clarify situations by staying connected to our Higher Selves while at the same time assist with grounding and centering.

Properties of the Magician Stone Pendant

This Magician Stone pendant is cut according to principles of sacred geometry so that a star exhibiting four-fold symmetry appears within it. One can see other stars refracted within the star as well.

The equilateral cross symbolizes the Tetrahedron. The Tetrahedron, or four-sided pyramid, is the geometrical principle underlying many types of both organic and inorganic molecules, and provides the microscopic structure of diamonds and of the amino acids that are the building blocks of all life-forms on planet Earth. Thus it is no surprise that the equilateral cross is an ancient symbol of the Mother Goddess, and represents the four elements of earth, air, fire and water and the four directions of the compass.

The Magician Stone cut pendant is designed to bring the wearer into harmony with the four elements and the four directions, and to help harmonize your energy field with the cosmic flow of energy pouring from the Mother Goddess and present throughout all creation.

Properties of Danburite

Danburite is a very hard stone with a vitreous luster. The metaphysical community prizes Danburite for its ability to connect the bearer to sources directly to sources of Higher Wisdom and to vast libraries of information located in the "akashic records". "Akasha," in Sanskrit, means "brilliant," "shining" or "luminous." "Akashic records" is a theosophical term referring to a universal library of light which records every thought, word, and action, past, present and future, and the templates for all structures and processes in the material world. These records are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha or Soniferous Ether.

Danburite is also known for its ability to help you "let your light shine", connecting you with Higher Self and Higher Purpose, while enhancing your ability to co-operate with others in group activities beneficial to all involved.

From personal experience during meditation with both Danburite and Moldavite crystals, I can tell you that much depends upon intent. When my intent has been to quiet the mind, holding one of these crystals reduces mental chatter to virtually nothing, while stimulating the crown chakra, the third eye & the eighth chakra above the crown, creating a feeling of warmth & depth, a buzzing and a tingling on the crown of the head and between the eyebrows. There was a physical awareness of a tremendous flows of energy carried on the inbreath and outbreath from the eighth chakra and higher, spiritual sources, through these vital centers and deep into the body.

Concentration on the inner light, and inner meditative visualizations were greatly enhanced, and the ability to connect to inner spiritual guidance, Guides and Teachers increased markedly.

Danburite can fade when exposed to direct sunlight over long periods of time. We recommend using moonlight, Reiki, prayer, and Universal Life Force Energy to clean and charge this crystal periodically if you like.

Metaphysical and Mineralogical Properties of Garnet Gemstones

Garnets are vitreous, translucent hexocatahedral gemstones with a hardness rated significantly above quartz crystal, characterized by the presence of aluminum and manganese, which imparts their striking reddish color.

The garnet derives its name from the pomegranate seed. Pomegranate is called punica granatum in Latin.

Garnets have been used for millennia in shamanistic healing and spiritual traditions across the globe, by Native American Indians, Aztecs, Mayans, and African medicine men and healers. Garnet is also one of the stones found in the breastplate of the Israeli High Priest in the Old Testament.

Danburite Mini Mag w/Hessionite Garnet

Garnets were traditionally considered stones of protection in both the Middle East and European spiritual traditions, used to ward off demons and evil environmental influences, and to protect warriors in battle. Garnets were also used as stones of sexual healing, to promote passionate connection between loving partners.

Most of all, garnets are the quintessential stone of prosperity, used to manifest abundant wealth and income for millennia in cultures around the world. All these properties are connected to the garnet's connection to the root chakra, which is colored red in the Western chakra system, and which governs issues of survival, adequate prosperity to sustain life, and sexual energy. The root chakra is the site of the coiled kundalini energy which is the fountainhead of all spiritual experiences, and thus the garnet is also thought to awaken the kundalini energy which normally lies dormant in human beings until awakened by a spiritual teacher or by intense spiritual experience of some kind.

Garnets typically are used by spiritual healers to transmute negative energy or stuck energy within a sick person into healthy energy, and to restore the proper flow of life force energy throughout the individual's body. The red color of the garnet indicates its affinity with the root chakra, normally associated with the color red in the Western chakra system, and with the second chakra, normally associated with the color orange in the Western system. In addition, this garnet works to energize the "hara" center, located about two fingers width below the navel, which is the location where the individual's "chi", "prana" or universal life force energy is stored.

The garnet works to equilibrate, cleanse and energize the root chakra and the second chakra, grounding the bearer, strengthening the bearer's self-confidence and sense of physical security, enhancing the sexual energy, the flow of kundalini, and the store of universal life force energy in the physical body.

Jane and I have used garnets in Reiki treatments on ourselves and with clients, and have found that this is one of the most powerful gemstones we have ever used to enhance the flow of universal life force energy, "chi", or "prana" in the body.

Paul Jensen, the designer of this line of pendants says of Hessionite Garnet: "encourages the embodiment of our own divinity. Restores both innocence and grace. Teaches a child-like approach to life."

You can read more about crystals in our article "Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation"or you can read about Marcel Vogel and crystal healing in our Vogel Archives along with edited chapters of his unpublished book, given to Satya Center from Marcel Vogel's family.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: Weight above is shipping weight. Actual weight is .20 oz. Each piece is unique and may vary slightly in appearance. Each piece is guaranteed to be beautiful and to meet with your complete satisfaction.

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