Danburite Mini Magician Stone with Pink Sapphire

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Sale price$549.00


This beautiful Pink Hued Danburite Mini Magician Stone crystal pendant is crowned with a tall oval bright Pink Sapphire gemstone of exceptional quality, both in the style of the stone and in the sterling silver basket setting which allows the stone to breathe and function at its highest vibration.

This pendant comes with a simple sterling silver chain which will sit upon the thymus, between the throat heart chakra, where it will be of most beneficial resonance.

The combination of Danburite and Pink Sapphire makes for a splendid Higher Worlds access and should increase ones ability to communicate through the compassionate heart.

Metaphysical Properties of the Magician Stone Cut

The Vogel-style Mini-Magician Stone pendant is cut according to principles of sacred geometry so that a star exhibiting four-fold symmetry appears within it. One can see other stars refracted within the star as well.

The equilateral cross symbolizes the Tetrahedron. The Tetrahedron, or four-sided pyramid, is the geometrical principle underlying many types of both organic and inorganic molecules, and provides the microscopic structure of diamonds and of the amino acids that are the building blocks of all life-forms on planet Earth. Thus it is no surprise that the equilateral cross is an ancient symbol of the Mother Goddess, and represents the four elements of earth, air, fire and water and the four directions of the compass.

Danburite Mini Magician Stone w/Pink Sapphire

The Magician Stone cut pendant is designed to bring the wearer into harmony with the four elements and the four directions, and to help harmonize your energy field with the cosmic flow of energy pouring from the Mother Goddess and present throughout all creation.

Properties of Danburite

Danburite is a very hard stone with a Mohs' hardness of 7-7.5, comparable to sapphires, tourmalines and garnets. Danburite is most often yellowish, brown, or white, but mineral collectors prefer the more rare pink coloration. Named after the town of Danbury, Connecticut, where this gemstone was first discovered, Danburite presents a vitreous luster, and is prized by jewelers because its extreme hardness and poverty of cleavage enables highly faceted gemstones to be cut from this precious mineral.

Pink Danburite energizes and activates the heart chakra, providing the energetic protection that gives us a feeling of emotional safety and personal power that facilitates the opening of the heart to others, loved ones, friends, family, and indeed the whole of humanity, and all of creation. This gemstone is a stone of compassion, and provides emotional healing that can mend the wounded heart.

The metaphysical community prizes Danburite for its ability to connect the bearer to sources directly to sources of Higher Wisdom and to vast libraries of information located in the "akashic records". "Akasha," in Sanskrit, means "brilliant," "shining" or "luminous." "Akashic records" is a theosophical term referring to a universal library of light which records every thought, word, and action, past, present and future, and the templates for all structures and processes in the material world. These records are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha or Soniferous Ether.

Danburite is also known for its ability to help you connect with Higher Self and Higher Purpose, while enhancing your ability to co-operate with others in group activities beneficial to all involved.

In addition, Danburite energizes the entire energy system, body, mind and aura, opening the chakras and increasing the flow of prana, or Universal Life Force energy. For this reason, you may find that using Danburite during meditation or other spiritual practices can result in increased body temperature, tingling sensations in the spine, and in the perception of an "expanded aura".

Properties of Pink Sapphire

The sapphire is an extremely hard trigonal shaped gemstone, composed primarily of corundum, or Aluminum Oxide, and is chemically and geologically a sister stone of the ruby. Corundums other than the red ruby are all called sapphire and can exhibit a variety of colorations: pink. orange, green, yellow, pink, purple, blue, violet and black.

Blue sapphire is created from inclusions of the minerals iron and titanium. Violet corundums are formed in the presence of vanadium, while a low iron content produces yellow and green sapphires. Chromium produces pink sapphires.

Danburite Mini Magician Stone w/Pink Sapphire

The Sapphire is the birthstone for the month of September, and is traditionally considered the stone of autumn, its characteristic color the azure blue of an autumnal sky. Sapphire is associated with the qualities of sincerity, constancy and truthful sincerity, and was one of the stones found in the Breastplate of the Israeli High Priest in the Old Testament.

In Vedic Astrology, Sapphire was considered to procure the favor of Saturn, and to assist the bearer in transmuting all Saturnine influences into beneficent aspects of life.

Sapphire, known as a "stone of prosperity" can bring peace of mind, help one to focus & can assist in all aspects of healing for the body. It can aid in working with the throat chakra, and can therefore enhance communications. Sapphire is good to unify our body/mind selves with our higher purpose, our astral & intuitive bodies.

In addition, pink sapphire is associated with the heart chakra, keyed to the color pink in the Western chakra system. Pink sapphire helps ease heartache, open the heart to self-love and compassion for others, and can help the bearer attract love into her life.

This beautiful, energetically powerful Mini Magician Stone pendant excels at transmitting prana or Universal Life Force Energy throughout the mind-body-aura, resonant with the healing rays of the pink ray.

You can read more about crystals in our article "Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation"or you can read about Marcel Vogel and crystal healing in our Vogel Archives along with edited chapters of his unpublished book, given to Satya Center from Marcel Vogel's family.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

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