Distance Reiki Four Sessions

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Sale price$435.00


Curtis and Jane are certified Reiki Masters in both the Usui and Karuna systems of Reiki and long time members of the International Association of Reiki Practitioners. Curtis and Jane bring their knowledge of aromatherapy, crystal healing techniques, flower essence and releasing work to the table as needed, when working with a client.

Curtis and Jane are located in Winston Salem, North Carolina. During the pandemic, we are not accepting new in-person Reiki clients. We recommend you consider having a Distance Reiki Treatment.

Reiki is a Twentieth Century Japanese system of natural healing and spiritual enlightenment, introduced to the world by Dr. Mikao Usui.


Curtis and Jane have developed a Reiki technique where they both work on a client at the same time, covering the entire body with the Reiki hand positions more quickly, enabling a client to experience a full body treatment in half the time, for 30 minutes instead of the traditional 60 minute single practitioner treatment when you have a treatment in person.

A treatment given with both a female practitioner and a male practitioner creates a doubly safe environment, where trust and relaxation encourage the client's own qualities of balance and harmony to be restored.

Treatments done in this fashion often create profound emotional and soul responses from the client as well and provide an opportunity after the session, to integrate emotions that may have arisen during the treatment, and receive feedback from both a male and female perspective. After developing and working with this technique for six months, Curtis and Jane discovered that both the original Japanese Usui practitioners and also the United States' National Institute of Health recommend giving treatments with two practitioners for each client.

Japanese kanji for Reiki

To find out more about the origins of Reiki and the traditional Reiki view of subtle energy read our article What is Reiki?.

Explore the spiritual dimension of this hands on healing modality in our article on The Five Reiki Principles.

Reiki and the Zero Point Field provides a deep dive into the deep questions at the intersection of science and energy healing.

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