AAA Golden-Orange Rutile Starburst Lens

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Sale price$434.00 Regular price$579.00


This 2.25 inch long AAA Quality Golden-Orange Rutile Starburst Lens from Bahia, Brazil, weighing 3.2 oz., or 91 grams, is egg shaped and exhibits several prominent starburst rutile formations within large zones of golden and orange coloration. It is the perfect size to hold in the hand during meditation or to place on a client's body during energy healing treatments.

There is no mine uncovering orange rutile quartz in Brazil, so this orange rutile is in very short supply. This extremely rare orange rutile was discovered in Bahia, Brazil by a farmer working in his field.

Excited by his discovery, he sought to make it available to us, through a major supplier of Brazilian crystals. This small alluvial find of rare orange rutile from Bahia, which amounted to only a dozen kilos or so, first came to market ten years ago, and now it is difficult to buy more of this quality at any price!

This flawless specimen comes from the private collection of Curtis and Jane, your hosts at We are pleased to offer it for sale to discerning mineral collectors and Lightworkers interested in a unique crystal with a high-frequency energy signature.

Properties of Rutilated Quartz

This rutilated crystal contains needle-like inclusions of titanium inside it. Rutile is a titanium ore. Titanium is used in high tech and aerospace alloys because it’s a lightweight super-conductor of electrical energy, exhibits great tensile strength and resists corrosion.

Rutilated quartz crystals have a high-energy charge, which is particularly effective in releasing energy blockages. For energy healing, rutillated quartz can be placed near the navel and around any area where the energy feels sluggish. Compared to other forms of quartz, rutilated quartz has a greatly enhanced ability to help dissolve any energy congestion.

Rutilated quartz is an ideal energizer of people, other crystals and plants of all kinds. In our experience, rutilated quartz has a VERY strong, very "electrical" and affects physical, etheric and astral bodies. By strengthening the mind and promoting active awareness this rutilated clear quartz crystal can help to enhance concentration and mental focus and help you to increase the depth and duration of your meditation sessions and the strength of your connection to inner spiritual guidance and spiritual teachers.

Rutilated quartz wands, in my experience, when used in crystal healing, Reiki, or meditation sessions, act as a stimulant to the nervous system and the etheric body.

Rutile is good at repelling negative energy and ending unwanted interference. Rutile promotes and strengthens stability in relationships and marriage, and works to eliminate emotional and physical imbalances. Rutile is very "electrical" and affects physical, etheric and astral bodies.

Although many forms of rutile accelerate intellectual activity, Rutilated Crystals can also help relax the Higher Mind, quieting the stream of conscious mind chatter and stimulating consciousness to connect to the wisdom found in a realm of a more universal wisdom, clarity and enlightenment.

We also found these unusual Rutile Crystals to be very helpful companions in order to restore vitality and gently triggering needed catharsis of negative emotional baggage.

Because this orange rutile was a new frequency of rutile crystal for us, we took some time to experience the energy of this remarkable crystal in meditation and during Reiki sessions prior to offering it to the public. This is what we discovered.

From personal experience, we can tell you that this orange rutile has unique metaphysical properties. It is much stronger, more mellow, and more subtle in its effects than any other rutile we have ever seen.

This rutile stimulates the "hara" center, located between the belly button and the pelvis, which is the site where "chi" or life force energy is stored, and which constitutes the "belly burner", the area where the body's "heat" is regulated.

Reiki clients report that Orange Rutile Crystals provide a warm, nurturing, yet energizing effect on the body and mind, noticeable for periods of time up to several days after treatment.

In meditation, this crystal activates the psychophysical heat sending a warm rush of energy up the "prana" tube helping to connect the 2nd chakra, located in the area of the sexual organs, and associated with the color orange in the Western mystery school tradition, with the 4th or heart chakra.

This crystal is perfect for meditation. It has a strong grounding action while simultaneously stilling the mind and opening the channel to Higher Mind, providing mental clarity and access to inner spiritual guidance.

Orange rutile also imparts a feeling of increased physical strength so that in meditation, it assists in maintaining a strong lotus or other meditation posture. It greatly enhances the powers of concentration and strengthens the aura, creating a pleasant electrically charged field around the physical body.

Rutilated Quartz is also ideal for sending light to the energy grids surrounding the earth, for sending energy to distant locations and for use to help harmonize the energy during group meditational practices.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires. 

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: Above weight is shipping weight, actual weight is 91 grams or 3.2 ounces.

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