Lapis Lazuli Pineapple Cut Oval Pendant in Sterling Silver

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Sale price$110.00


This lovely 1.70 inch high Lapis Lazuli Pineapple Cut Oval Pendant set in a Sterling Silver simple bezel setting comes from India, and features a beautiful cobalt blue surface flecked with gold. This pendant comes complete with a sterling silver chain in its own velveteen jewelry box for safekeeping.

Metaphysical and Mineralogical Properties of Lapis

Lapis Lazuli means blue stone. Lapis is an opaque gemstone, slightly softer than quartz crystal with a strong fluorescence under black lights. Lapis is composed of an amalgam of several minerals: lazurite, augite, calcite, diopside, enstatite, mica, hornblende, nosean, sodalite, and often pyrite. This variable composition results in a wide variety Lapis occurring in colors ranging from deep blue and violet to a greenish-blue.

Lapis was a favorite of ancient Egyptian priests and pharaohs, who had skilled artisans fashion amulets of power from this highly prized precious stone.

A lapis lazuli gemstone cut in the image of “Mat”, Goddess of Truth, hung from the neck of the Egyptian chief justice, suspended on a golden chain. The “tet” amulet, often fashioned of lapis, was placed on the neck of the mummy for protection in the afterlife. The most popular Egyptian amulets uncovered in ancient tombs are the “ab”, fashioned in the shape of a heart, and the scarab, or sacred beetle, symbol of resurrection, and both were often made of lapis.

In the Lapidario of Alphonso X, a book on the metaphysical properties of precious gems commissioned by Alphonso X, King of Castile, León and Galicia from 1252 until his death in 1284, lapis lazuli is considered to be the stone of Venus par excellence, and a help to the bearer in all matters related to romance, sexual relations, and matters of love.

In medieval times, lapis lazuli was considered to impart a tonic influence on the bearer, protect the individual from forces of darkness and bring the person closer to the angels and saints, conferring both enhanced energy and spiritual protection on those who carried this sky-blue gemstone. In addition, lapis was recommended to those who chose the path of chastity as an aid in subduing the lower impulses and sexual desire.

Lapis lazuli has many metaphysical properties which make it an ideal stone for the modern Lightworker, meditator and crystal healer.

According to modern Western crystal healers, lapis activates the throat and third eye chakras, which are associated with the colors blue and magenta, stimulates impulses toward physical, emotional and mental purity, and helps to overcome depression and enhance states of serenity. Lapis assists in balancing male and female energies within ourselves. All these uses for lapis correspond to the ancient wisdom teachings of the East and the West.

We often use crystal pendants for psychic protection, purification and to clarify things of a spiritual nature. See our article on Psychic Self Defense for more information along these lines with many suggestions on how to protect yourself from unwanted energies.

You can read more about crystals in our article "Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation"or you can read about The Crystal Wisdom of Marcel Vogel and crystal healing in our Vogel Archives along with edited chapters of his unpublished book, given to Satya Center from Marcel Vogel's family.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: Actual weight is 14 grams

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