Orange Poppy

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Sale price$290.00


This orange spring poppy from my series of erotic flower photographs seems to resonate with joy. I think that Nature in all her messy splendor offers the most sensual sights in creation. See a detail closeup shot below.

If people would spend more time in Nature, observing her gifts in quietude, reflecting upon her sacred geometry, and meditating upon the interconnectedness of all things, I feel certain many violent acts against women and children, against neighbor, country and environment could be averted.

This photo was shot in our backyard when we lived in suburban Pleasantville, New York, where the orange poppy inhabited our biodynamic garden, populated with a rainbow of flowers, a messy profusion of healing herbs, and small scattered plots of greens, beans and turnip greens!

Orange Poppy is offered in a signed, limited edition of 250, printed on 11" x 8.5" semi-gloss photo paper.

Read more about my work in my artist statement, Creating Spiritual Art for the New Millenium and resume.

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