Pale Violet Espiritu Santo Amethyst Rectangular Pendant

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Sale price$144.00


This lovely, 1 inch tall, 10 carat, Pale Violet Espiritu Santo Amethyst Rectangular Pendant boasts a beautiful Filigree Bale, is set in sterling silver and has a lovely inner landscape featuring zones of pale violet amethyst and a generous helping of dark titanium needles, or rutile, along with larger dark inclusions of hematite and lepidocrosite.

Pale Violet Espiritu Santo Amethyst Rectangular Pendant

Espiritu Santo Rutilated Amethyst is an extremely rare form of amethyst crystal that comes from the Espiritu Santo region of Brazil, and contains within it up to seven different minerals: Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Clear Quartz, Lepidocrosite, Smokey Quartz and Rutile.

The stone exhibits enough clarity to be extremely translucent when held near any light source -- more clarity than many Espiritu Santo Rutilated Amethyst crystals, which often are opaque unless held directly up to the light.

We consider Espiritu Santo Rutilated Amethyst to be remarkable because it has the unique ability to simultaneously connect us to Higher Worlds and ground us firmly in physical reality.

Pale Violet Espiritu Santo Amethyst Rectangular Pendant

Espiritu Santo Rutilated Amethyst is one of the world's premier ascension stones, valued for its ability to ground the bearer while connecting them to Divine Source.

Espiritu Santo Rutilated Amethyst is one of the world's most valued stones of protection, which we have recommended to Lightworkers, healers, corporate executives, nurses, doctors and others working in situations with very conflicted or afflicted energy fields for many years. Espiritu Santo Rutilated Amethyst energizes the aura, and the very best protection from unwanted or negative energies in our environment is always to strengthen the auric field.

Pale Violet Espiritu Santo Amethyst Rectangular Pendant

Espiritu Santo Rutilated Amethyst resonates with the energy signature of the violet flame of St. Germain.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation.

Pale Violet Espiritu Santo Amethyst Rectangular Pendant

Read more about the mineralogical and metaphysical properties of Lemurian crystals of various types in our new online book Spirits of Stone. Read Chapter Two & learn about the history & use of Lemurian Seed Crystals. See new photos from the Lemurian mines of the Serra do Cabral and a map of the mines.

Above weight is shipping weight including jewelry box. Net Weight is 2 grams without the chain.

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