Pink Himalayan Ice Quartz Totem

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Sale price$144.00


This 2.5 inch long Pink Himalayan Ice Quartz Totem, weighing 2.2 ounces, or 91 grams, is the perfect size to hold in the hand during meditation, or to place on the body of a client while performing Reiki, energy treatments or crystal healing sessions.

This Pink Ice Quartz wand is very translucent, with great inner clarity, and a beautiful energy, which resonates with the heart chakra, and the energy signature of the Great Mother. You can see specks of the golden matrix from which the crystal grew, on the front of the crystal, and that increases its mineralogical value.

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Himalayan Ice Quartz

This unusual rosy quartz wand is a type of interference quartz formation with a powerful, nurturing and protective energy signature, known as Nirvana Quartz or Himalayan Ice Quartz.

Nirvana Quartz originates high in the Himalayan mountain ranges of northern India. Late in 2006, Nirvana Quartz was discovered in extremely high altitude areas which had formerly been covered in ice 365 days a year. Exploring where glaciers had recently retreated, rockhounds discovered deposits of a unique type of rosy quartz never seen before.

Nirvana Quartz appears in wands and in chunks composed of aggregates of irregularly shaped, convuluted smaller crystal formations which have grown into a single larger specimen over millennia of geological time. Himalyan Ice Quartz almost invariably lacks the more common six-sided shaft and well-defined termination tips characteristic of much clear and rose quartz found around the world.

Nirvana Ice Quartz is an extreme example of the type of crystal formation known as growth interference quartz. Growth interference crystals are created when calcite or other mineral formations adhere to the crystallizing quartz formation, then disappear over time. This results in the creation of indentations, grooves and other irregularities along the prismatic faces of the quartz crystal.

Personally I like the unusual back of the specimen, it clearly shows the way what appears to be slivers and chunks of the material were created by growth interference and aggregated, resulting in a fascinating larger formation.

Growth interference crystals are typically used to enhance understanding of blocks we encounter in our quest for emotional, physical, or spiritual growth, and to gently remove these "stuck" energies, representing old and outdated mental conceptions of the world, recurring patterns of negative behavior manifesting in relationships, negative emotional reactions to life conditions , and physical impediments to health and well-being.

The growth interference crystal can be used to help remove blockages in the chakra system, facilitating the flow of Kundalini energy throughout the human energy field.

Himalayan Pink Ice crystals resonate with the energy of the open, loving heart chakra, which is assigned the color pink in the Western chakra system. Himalayan Pink Ice crystals assist in healing the wounded heart, gently bringing emotional wounds from the past to the surface of consciousness where the process of releasing can restore emotional balance and open the bearer to increased love in their lives.

In meditation, sitting with the Rosy Nirvana Ice Quartz in the left, or receiving hand, Jane and I experienced a very similar energy signature. Very quickly one enters a space of deep silence and peace that passes understanding. One immediately notices the establishment of a strong "cocoon" of warmth around the body, filling the aura with a strong, protective energy which exhibits a rosy glow to the inner vision. Nagging thoughts, recurring reactive emotional responses and physical discomfort melt away.

Nirvana Ice Quartz tends to heat up quite rapidly in the hand. One notices a strong flow of warmth and a surge of Universal Life Force energy up the arm and into the chest, centering in the heart, and then rushing down the trunk into the lower chakras, providing support, centering and grounding one's being.

We have also encouraged others to experiment with these amazing new specimens, and have received similar reports.

Nirvana Ice Quartz is a wonderful stone to hold or place under the pillow when entering dreamtime, and provides a feeling of security, warmth, protection and well-being. We have experienced some lovely pleasant dreams with the aid of this Himalayan quartz.
In using Nirvana Ice Quartz wands during Reiki treatments, Jane and I have experienced much the same type of energy transfer that we encountered during meditation.

We simply use the wand as we would any quartz wand, directing the flow of energy out through the more angular, narrower, or "male" end of the wand, to the client. We have also obtained good results by having clients simply hold the Nirvana Quartz in their left hand during Reiki treatments.

Clients report a flush of "chi" or "prana" entering the body, filling the aura, opening the heart, and rushing into the lower chakras. At the same time, clients report stillness of the mind, and an opening to Spirit, a new tranquility and peace they describe as quite profound.

We recommend Himalayan Nirvana Ice Quartz to meditators, Lightworkers, Reiki practitioners, crystal healers, and anyone with a deficiency of "chi" or Universal Life Force energy. These Himalayan Nirvana Ice Quartz wands and chunks are small enough to carry in one's pouch or purse or medicine bag, for use at work or on the road.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Weight above is shipping weight. Net Weight: 2.2 ounces or 91 gms.

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