Polished Smoky Rutile Starburst DT Isis Window Wand

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Sale price$184.00


This lovely polished 2.6 inch long Brazilian Polished Smoky Rutile Starburst DT Isis Window Wand, weighing 2.8 ounces or 79 grams exhibits a cluster of well defined starbursts composed of fine silver angel hair rutile needles that fill the crystal's female termination tip, and the lower part of the shaft. This lovely altarpiece has a pentagonal Isis face on the male end, and a prominent narrow window between the large faces on the larger, female termination tip.

This Polished Smoky Rutile Starburst DT Isis Window Wand is perfect for altar, bedside table, or computer workstation, and has the heft and power to transform the energy in an entire room.

Properties of Window Crystals

Window quartz displays a diamond, rectangular or four sided face between two faces of the termination tip, where the tip meets the main body of the shaft. These forms are said to be a window to the soul, and to help access intuition and spiritual guidance free of the interfering mind, ego and emotions.

It is helpful using a ‘past facing window’ (one which points to the left), to access information which may be helpful on your current journey, or something which must be retrieved in order to be completed or to gain closure & understanding. A forward facing window is one which angles to the right and can be used to access information from the future.

Isis Crystal Meditation

Isis crystals like this one have one or more pentagonal or five sided faces opposed by three sided faces, & can assist us in connecting with the Divine Mother. Isis was known as the Egyptian Queen of Magic and Giver of Life. For both men & women, such a crystal can help to balance the male/female aspects of our beings or bring in the qualities of the Divine Mother: nurturing, strength, self love, Universal Love & compassion. Isis crystals can help to foster the native intelligence we all have, called Intuition.

During a crystal healing or Reiki self-treatment session, place the 5-sided Isis face of the crystal in your left hand, pointing in toward your wrist. The left hand is the is the receptive hand. Close your eyes, and relax.

Meditate quietly, observing your thoughts without pursuing them or allowing them to disturb your relaxation. Maintain a state of detached observation, neither approving or disapproving about your thoughts. Allow them to come and go, simply observing their passage.

Maintain your attention on your breath, and attempt to breathe deeply and evenly. Breathe in slowly and evenly from the very bottom of your stomach and inhale deeply, until you have filled the diaphragm all the way to your throat.

Exhale slowly and evenly through the nostrils, emptying the diaphragm all the way down to the very bottom of the lower stomach, several inches below the belly button.

If you like, count the breaths as you go, until you reach one hundred.

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Rutilated Quartz Crystals

This rutilated crystal contains needle-like inclusions of titanium inside it. Rutile is a titanium ore. Titanium is used in high tech and aerospace alloys because it’s a lightweight super-conductor of electrical energy, exhibits great tensile strength and resists corrosion.

Rutilated quartz crystals have a high-energy charge, which is particularly effective in releasing energy blockages. For energy healing, rutillated quartz can be placed near the navel and around any area where the energy feels sluggish. Compared to other forms of quartz, rutilated quartz has a greatly enhanced ability to help dissolve any energy congestion.

Rutilated quartz is said to be a regenerator of people, crystals and plants, and to help one to resist aging and the general cellular breakdown caused by time.

Rutilated quartz pendants, in my experience, when worn or carried on the person, act as a stimulant to the nervous system and the etheric body.

Rutile is good at repelling negative energy and ending unwanted interference. Rutile promotes and strengthens stability in relationships and marriage, and works to eliminate emotional and physical imbalances. Rutile is very "electrical" and affects physical, etheric and astral bodies.

In our experience, rutilated quartz has a VERY strong, very "electrical" and affects physical, etheric and astral bodies. By strengthening the mind and promoting active awareness this rutilated clear quartz crystal can help to enhance concentration and mental focus and help you to increase the depth and duration of your meditation sessions and the strength of your connection to inner spiritual guidance and spiritual teachers.

Rutilated Quartz is also ideal for sending light to the energy grids surrounding the earth, for sending energy to distant locations and for use to help harmonize the energy during group meditational practices.

Jane and I have used Rutile crystals in meditation and in our Reiki practice, and we are amazed by their complex and powerful energy. During meditation and in Reiki sessions, we found that Rutile crystals impart a deep, energizing & nurturing warmth, most noticeable first in the “hara” center, the storehouse of Universal Life Force Energy, or “chi”, located two fingers width below the belly button. This warm glow expanded throughout our bodies, then extended out into the aura, enlivening and brightening body, heart, and spirit.

Properties of Smoky Quartz Crystals

Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of this very popular form of quartz crystal, ranging from sodium to other minerals in the crystal. According to Melody ("Love is in the Earth"), smoky quartz is produced by the presence of sodium in clear crystal, facilitating the regulatation of fluids in the body, acting much like a mineral supplement bringing mineral equilibrium.

Other mineralogists suggest other theories concerning the dark pigment in smoky quartz, including the presence of trivalent titanium or the presence of carbon compounds.

Some mineralogists suggest that the characteristic dark brown to black color of smoky quartz is produced when clear quartz is exposed to natural radiation emanating from radioactive rocks in the same geological formation where the quartz crystals form and grow. The current scientific hypothesis is that when clear quartz is exposed to radiation, the radiation alters the oxidation states of mineral impurities found within the quartz structure, resulting in smoky quartz.

“The frequent occurrence of smoky quartz in association with rare earth and radioactive minerals is very significant, for later it will be indicated that smoky quartz may have been colored through the action of radioactive elements,” says the University of Michigan’s Edward F. Holden, in a 1925 article in The American Mineralogist. In Ontario smoky quartz is a constant associate of radioactive minerals, and the same association is frequent in Madagascar. Enormous smoky quartz crystals occur in the well known radioactive pegmatite of Baringer Hill, Texas.”

“The evidence given thus far is in agreement with the theory that smoky quartz owes its color to atoms of silicon, formed by the disintegration of silica, through the action of radium radiations,” Holden continues. “The mechanism of the formation of the free silicon may perhaps be pictured in this way: The radiations may remove the four outer electrons from a silicon atom, which would then be equally shared by the two associated oxygen atoms. As a result, two free oxygen atoms and a free silicon atom would be formed. They could take no part in the crystal structure since their attractive force for other atoms would have been destroyed. Hence, they should act as small inclusions, the silicon atoms producing the light-scattering and the color so characteristic of smoky quartz. We would expect the silicon atoms to be most effective in scattering light because of their greater atomic weight, and the possibility of the escape of the oxygen atoms.”

From this scientific analysis it is clear that smoky quartz, although quite likely formed through the action of radioactive elements, is not radioactive itself, and this perfectly natural process is not detrimental to the crystals or to human beings utilizing these crystals for ornamentation, in meditation, for crystal healing, or for any other purpose.

Smoky quartz has been a favorite healing stone of shamanistic practitioners around the world for thousands of years.

According to modern day energy healers, smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy. And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system.

It is an aid in gently releasing blockages caused by negative energy patterns in the emotional body. Smoky quartz has been used as an aid in meditation, for energy healing, and to create a protective barrier of energy around the holder, being grounding and clearing the mind.

Our experience in working with smoky quartz both for ourselves in meditation and self treatment & with clients on the Reiki table is one of supreme protection, slow and deep healing, and gentle awakening of spirit. Smoky quartz guards our house, is a companion to the sick and is a humble & deep gift from the Mother.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

We know that you will use this powerful crystal with loving wisdom and respect its long journey in the Earth that has lasted for many long historical cycles. This crystal is a powerful tool, a love-gift from the Divine Mother to you!

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the SatyaCenter.com Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: Above weight is shipping weight. Net Weight: 79 grams, or 2.8 oz.

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