Amethyst Rich Rose de France Earth Heart Pendant with Aquamarine Pendant

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This gorgeous Amethyst Earth Heart Pendant with a Trillion Aquamarine Topstone is set into a Sterling Silver Basket Setting. It comes complete with a sterling silver box chain in its own velveteen jewelry box.

This pendant has been cut according to principles of sacred geometry to maximize its metaphysical and healing properties. This cut is called the Earth Heart Crystal.

This luminous amethyst pendant is perfectly transparent with four planes of facets which converge to a central point emanating the violet ray. The Earth Heart Crystal's sacred geometry enhances the stone's innate ability to create a "peaceful refuge in alignment with the deep and pure Heart of the Earth, revealing lessons in Oneness and facilitating humanity in achieving global consciousness."

When we first worked with this pendant, before the designers had come up with a name, I named it the Medicine Wheel because in working with it, I felt a strong connection to Native American traditions as well as a sense of deep protection, calm and access to my own Higher Wisdom, as well as being connected to a long line of Wisdom Keepers. The Earth Heart crystal imparts both a sense of stability and a sense of being centered. I would recommend this piece to anyone for Protection, Clarity, Inspiration or anyone doing Lightwork or Healing work.

The combination of amethyst and aquamarine energizes the throat chakra and the crown chakra simultaneously, connects the bearer to Spirit, inspires the bearer with Wisdom from Higher Worlds, and empowers the bearer to communicate their own unique truth, one-on-one and through the mass media.

Properties of Amethyst

Amethyst is the gemstone variety of quartz, produced by the presence of manganese in clear quartz crystal. Increments of iron within the crystal as it formed vary the color of the amethyst, which ranges from pale lilac to deep purple. Amethyst has been popular with royalty, sages, mystics and magicians for centuries.

Fine amethysts are featured in the British Crown Jewels and were also a favorite of Catherine the Great and Egyptian royalty, as well as being featured elements in the fabled breastplate of the High Priest in the Old Testament and gemstones traditionally placed in rings of ranking members of the Roman Catholic Church.

Amethyst is also prized by Lightworkers and crystal healers for its unique energetic properties and its powerful and beneficial effects on mind, body and aura.

Amethyst is said to enhance spirituality, raise the vibrational level of the holder, cleanse the astral, etheric and physical bodies, and produce a peaceful, tranquil state of mind.

Amethyst works to open and energize the crown chakra, associated with the colors violet, gold and white in the Western mystery school tradition. Amethyst is said to enhance spirituality, raise the vibrational level of the holder, cleanse the astral, etheric and physical bodies, and produce a peaceful, tranquil state of mind.

Rose de France amethyst combines the traditional spiritual properties of amethyst with the healing properties of the Rosy Ray, which is associated with the heart chakra in the Western mystery school tradition.

Working on the heart, the fourth chakra, Rose de France amethyst works to transmute heartache, heartbreak and the deleterious effects of anger we have experienced in our lives, into the energy of unconditional love, healing the wounds we have suffered in our emotional body. Rose de France amethyst also empowers us and strengthens us by its energizing effect on the heart chakra, giving us the strength and courage we need to allow our selves to open our hearts fully and experience the compassion known by Jesus and Buddha , the joy and sorrow that accompany the awareness of the interdependence of all living beings. 

Leonardo Da Vinci wrote that amethyst was able to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken the intelligence. “Because amethyst was thought to encourage celibacy and symbolize piety, amethyst was very important in the ornamentation of Catholic and other churches in the Middle Ages. It was, in particular, considered to be the stone of bishops and they still often wear amethyst rings,” continues the website of Independent Certified Gemologists and Appraisers. “In Tibet, amethyst is considered to be sacred to Buddha and rosaries are often fashioned from it.”

Because amethyst is classically the stone of sobriety, purity and chastity and would be an excellent stone for those with tendencies toward addictive behavior, or for those spiritual seekers intent upon transformation through the progressive purification of mind, body and aura.

We often use Amethyst as a stone for spiritual purification as it has a great reputation for aiding and protecting all spiritual work.

Properties of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is an extremely hard, brilliant gemstone that forms in hexagonal crystalline prisms. Aquamarine is a member of the beryl family -- a cousin of emerald, heliodor and morganite. Aquamarine is usually the color of tropical seawater. The coloring agent in the gem is iron.

Lightworkers and crystal healers say that aquamarine is an excellent stone for communication and is called the "stone of courage". Aquamarine is a very helpful stone used for protection and spiritual connection. Aquamarine provides an energetic shield for our lightbodies.

This highly prized gemstone assists us to assimilate new knowledge while remaining true to our own highest nature. Aquamarine helps judgemental people to become more tolerant by reinforcing the connection with the Higher Self while clarifying mental activity of all kinds. It is a stone which encourages flow, balance, protection & clarity, attuning us to spiritual worlds while enhancing the connections between our intellectual, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Properties of Aquamarine

Because of its blue-green color, aquamarine is associated with the throat chakra, which is said to be blue or turquoise in the Western chakra system. Aquamarine stimulates, energizes, and cleanses the throat chakra, facilitating communications activities of all kinds, and strengthening the connection between the throat chakra and the third eye chakra, infusing our communications with the wisdom and love found in the Higher Self when the third eye is fully activated.

Aquamarine is the gemstone of communication par excellence, and an excellent gemstone for anyone connected with the mass media or networked computing, or working on the Internet.

Aquamarine enhances the bearer's ability to speak their own truth in such a way that it is easy for others to accept and understand. Aquamarine is said to infuse the user's mind with the ideal of service to the world, and to help the user develop a strong commitment to furthering the spiritual development of all humanity. This same property provides the user with increased access to the akashic records, the energetic templates containing the patterns of perfection that govern the birth, growth and development of the human body (the microcosm) and the universe (the macrocosm).

Lightworkers will want to place this stone in the client's hand or on their client's throat chakra during energy treatments to facilitate mental acuity and energize the individual with the courage to speak their own truth.

Meditators will find that this stone will enable them to go deeply into a meditative state while simultaneously sharpening their mental acuity and strengthening their intellectual abilities.

We often use crystal pendants for psychic protection, purification and to clarify things of a spiritual nature. See our article on Psychic Self Defense for more information along these lines with many suggestions on how to protect yourself from unwanted energies.

You can read more about crystals in our article Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation or you can read about The Crystal Wisdom of Marcel Vogel and crystal healing in our Vogel Archives along with edited chapters of his unpublished book, given to Satya Center from Marcel Vogel's family.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Actual weight of this pendant is .25 oz.

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