Rose Quartz Star of David Pendant with John of God Quartz Crown

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Sale price$434.00


This beautiful Vogel-Cut Rose Quartz Star of David crystal pendant comes with an 18" sterling silver chain which sits upon the thymus, between the throat & the heart chakras, where it will be of most beneficial resonance.

Rose Quartz Star of David Pendant with John of God Quartz Crown

Satya Center offers Casa Crystals imbued with the energy of world-renowned Brazilian healer John of God. We send some of these crystals to our jewelry designers and they create the beautiful pendants such as the one you see here.

These crystals and pendants come with a Certificate of Authenticity from Casa Crystals, the authorized American distributor for crystals imbued with the energy of the entities of Casa Dom Ignacio, Abadiania, Brazil. Satya Center is an authorized dealer of Casa Crystals.

John of God -- His Story

João Teixeira de Faria, also known as João de Deus (John of God), or Medium João, is perhaps the most famous trance channeling healer alive today. Over the last decade, John of God has been featured on Oprah, The Discovery Channel, and many other venues in a variety of media.

John of God

Medium João's home base is the Casa Dom Inacio, Abadiania, Brazil.

Much misinformation and disinformation about John of God has been spread on the Internet so it is important to be very discriminating when researching this unique healer. The best information about John of God is available in the book John of God by Heather Cumming and Karen Leffler.

John of God is a humble man, who can neither read nor write, but who channels a large number of Beings of Light to bless and heal multitudes. Medium João says, "I don't heal. God heals. I am just a man." Medium João channels and directs divine energy for healings free of cost to any person visiting the Casa in search of a cure.

João was raised on a farm, and worked doing menial labor, and later as a tailor. At a very young age, João earned a reputation as a clairvoyant and visionary.

"Sometime in 1951 João Teixeira de Faria, age nine, rightly predicted which houses in his aunt's neighborhood would be damaged or destroyed by an impending windstorm," reports Publisher's Weekly.

One day he had a vision directing him to a nearby town, where he was welcomed by several people who said they had been expecting him. João entered the village and the next thing he recalled, he was being hugged by the grateful villagers, who told him he had spent several hours healing many people, although João had no memory of these events.

Medium João agreed to work with a large number of Spirits, discarnate doctors and healers who work through John of God's body to aid suffering humanity. He became famous, drawing the attention, envy, fear, anger and gratitude of numerous religious, medical and political functionaries in the region. During these years, John of God worked as a mendicant healer, traveling from place to place, alternately harrassed and jailed and celebrated for his healing work.

Eventually he was guided to Abadiania, and founded the Casa.

Rose Quartz Star of David Pendant with John of God Quartz Crown

At the Casa, John of God and the myriad of Spirit Healers he channels have performed healings on millions of people over the last thirty years. People with untreatable diseases have gone on pilgrimages to the Casa from all over the world to benefit from the healing power infused into the lush gardens, and to experience psychic surgery performed by the "entities" associated with this amazing individual.

Many pilgrims have reported on the extremely potent healing energy centered at the Casa Dom Inacio (House of Ignatius), named after Medium João's patron "entity", St. Ignatius of Loyola. Directly beneath the Casa is a large deposit of pure quartz crystals, and manyLightworkers believe that the quartz in this Power Spot amplifies the healing energies channeled by Medium João and distributed throughout the area by the many Spirits of Light who commune with João.

Now we are blessed to offer Casa crystals for sale to the public. Casa crystals are infused with the energy of the Casa Dom Inacio, and of the Spirit Healers working with Medium João.

"Crystals are originally sourced from mines mostly in Goias, central Brazil, not far from the Casa," according to our source within the Casa. They are brought to the Casa each week and energized by the Spirit Healers working through Medium João.

"There are as many ways to work with Casa-energized stones as there are people with an unlimited number of ideas," reports our Source inside the Casa. "Here is a meditation that I have found to be effective:

"Hold a crystal in your hand and close your eyes. Visualize the parts of your body, emotions, mind, or higher self that is experiencing pain or dis-ease. See the vibration of the stone enter that part of your body and change the vibration there to one that is more in harmony with the stone. Feel the two different vibrations-- the one of your body and the other of the stone--side by side, singing a song together in harmony."

"Keeping your eyes closed, move the crystal around your body touching any places that feel good. Some parts of your body like the feeling of the cool stone, and others like the feeling of the warm stone after it has been heated in your hand. You can also direct the pointed end of the stone to areas in your body that need help, and direct energy from divine source, through your hand, amplified by the stone, and into your body."

Message from the Entities Associated with João de Deus

St. Ignatius of Loyola"My children, we are joined together in this moment, as you will allow it, each in his or her own capacity to hear, and according to your individual script and your willingness to be open. That you are here now is proof that you higher self has approved this direction. Still, the choice is yours. While entities can offer guidance, the guidance should always be screened through your judgment, because the experiment only works when free will is in force. Your personal guides have brought you here and now we invite you to open up to a team of entities that can help you in your process, your journey, your path. We work closely with your guides and your higher self, be assured, and adding to that your free will choice you cannot make a mistake. Feel the energy of these words and know in your heart what is appropriate for you in this moment. We are all agents of the path, working toward the same goal but from different directions, as many different directions as rays of sunshine."

"A ray of light is a metaphor for divine energy. Crystals play with light, direct it, concentrate it and magnify it. That is why a gem sparkles when you hold it in your hand. Now, imagine that the sparkle you see when you hold Casa Crystals in your hand, or on your body is not the sparkle of light, but instead it is divine healing energy entering your body. As the energy enters your body it retunes the energies that are there, retuning them to the vibration of peace and harmony that you are when your spirit is not in a body. Your body is an imperfect container created by you and for you as a learning tool. The healing that you receive from the entities of the Casa through these crystals is part of that lesson. The healing will remind you, both consciously and unconsciously of what you willingly forgot when you chose to accept the Adventure of Earth."

"You can work with Casa Crystals in any way that you will allow. They will provide their retuning function whether or not you use them with intention. However, when used with intention, Casa Crystals become much more powerful, and you will begin to see manifold and manifest change in your life."

"Your instinct is to push away that which would help you. This is a normal response because when you encounter a higher vibration it works on you like sandpaper against your skin. You shy away from this discomfort naturally to avoid the pain. But the fine gem must be cut and polished from the rough rock, and in this process suffer the pain and waste of the grinding wheel. So too must you endeavor to keep yourself focused to stay against the grinding wheel, to stay in the divine healing current so that you can be that fine sparkling gem that you were meant to be."

"For many years medium João has worked in this service in a small town in central Brazil. And now the time has arrived for his work to be more available to people around the world. He is a medium of extraordinary ability yet we are all mediums and capable of miraculous things. Working with the entities of the Casa will help you to find healing and in so doing, to expand your natural gifts, your mediumship, and your abilities to heal others."

Properties of Rose Quartz

This piece is VERY clear with a lovely milky pink color. Rose quartz projects a soft, soothing, gentle energy that resonates with vibrations of love, and is especially supportive in cases where an individual is developing the capacity for self love. It sends out an energy of unconditional love, as compared with passionate love, so the energy of rose quartz resonates with the heart chakra rather than the lower chakras.

Rose quartz is a gently healing stone, allowing for the slow opening of the heart to healing and loving energies. It supports the wearer or bearer of this stone in all spiritual practices and daily activities that promote the development of compassion for all beings -- and especially for oneself.

Rose Quartz Star of David Pendant with John of God Quartz Crown
Rose quartz especially creates a feeling of emotional warmth, and very gently energizes by protecting one from negative influences, lifting away depression and instilling a feeling of calm confidence. It is a wonderful tool for personal growth on ones spiritual path. Rose quartz has often been used in the treatment of wounds to the emotional body, and especially a wounded heart, but can be used effectively in treatment of wounds to the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra.

Properties of Star of David Cut

The Star of David cut is one developed by Marcel Vogel (IBM research scientist and founder of Psychic Research, Inc.) and is of two triangular cuts, one triangle pointing up and the other pointing down, symbolizing the higher and lower trinities, the coming together of Spirit and Earth, offering the wearer protection, wholeness and access to the Higher Self.

Excellent crystal to wear while meditating or to simply add beauty to your day. Facilitates concentration on higher chakras.

This cut in particular, comprised of two triangles, one pointed up and the other down, makes use of a symbol that has been used for millenia and represents the merging of the higher and lower worlds, enabling us to connect to the Divine on our path of spiritual evolution.

This Vogel Star of David cut in particular, comprised of two triangles, one pointed up and the other down, makes use of a symbol that has been used for millenia and represents the merging of the higher and lower worlds, enabling us to connect to the Divine on our path of spiritual evolution.

The Star of David is a versatile Lightworker's power tool that serves as a receiver, amplifier and transmitter of Universal Life Force energies and strengthens the bearer's bio-field, or aura.

Mystery school traditions of both East and West have for millennia taught many difficult techniques for expanding the aura, for amplifying the human energy field. The reason is simple. The stronger the aura, the more tuned in the individual is to Source, and the better able they are to conduct Universal Life Force energy from the Source.

Universal Life Force energy travels from the person with the most highly charged auric field to the person with a less highly charged field. This is how Spiritual Teachers, Ascended Masters, Gurus, Saints, Guides and angelic beings of light can have profound effects on all those who enter or are touched by their auric fields, and explains why the traditional Mystery School teachings of the East emphasize that the student must seek to be in the physical presence of the teacher to receive "darshan", the Light of the Teacher, which will bring the student many gifts.

In addition, a strong aura is the best protection from unwanted energies of all kinds, and serves as an energetic shield, protecting the bearer from all kinds of environmental toxins assailing us on the subtle levels 24 hours a day.

Those who work in the healing arts or in counseling know that a major issue for all health care providers and Lightworkers, bodyworkers and counselors is protection from the negativity encountered in the course of working on people who are wounded, physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

We all need protection useful for protection from negative thought-forms, other people's emotional debris, and other unwanted energies encountered in the everyday environment. The Star of David pendant is also excellent for amplifying and transmitting beneficial energies to others at will, in casual and clinical settings alike.

The Star of David crystals are very advanced precision tools for use in lightwork and vibrational healing.

The Star of David crystals have two sides. The front is flat and has an upward pointing triangle. The back is fatter and has a downward pointing triangle.

Rose Quartz Star of David Pendant with John of God Quartz Crown
The front face is the male face, and it transmits light energy. The back face is the female face, and it receives light energy.

When you wear the Star of David pendant, you put the female side next to your heart, and the male side is pointing out, away from your body. When you see the translucent crystal from the front it appears to have a Star of David engraved on it, because of the two triangles cut into the faces.

This way, the female, receptive side of the crystal will pick up the energy coming from your heart, the crystal will transmute that energy into a very high frequency vibration, and the male side of the crystal will radiate that high frequency light energy in all directions around you, enveloping you and filling your aura with the cleansing, healing energy. This strengthens your aura and helps protect your from unwanted, intrusive energies of all kinds in your environment.

In addition, you can actively use the Star of David cut crystal in healing energy work.

For instance, if you have a favorite essential oil or flower essence, and you would like to deliver it to a particular part of your body for healing purposes, this is what you would do.

Take the oil or flower essence and put a drop or two on the female side of the crystal. Place the crystal male side down on the part of the body you wish to treat. Place your hand over the female side of the crystal and direct your life force energy into the crystal from the chakra in the palm of your hand. Pray for healing.

The female side of the crystal will pick up the subtle energies from the flower essences, the crystal will amplify theat energy, and combine that healing energy with the energy from your palm chakra and from Source. Then the male side will radiate that energy through the male side of the crystal into the affected area.

You can do this for yourself and for others.

If you choose to use this healing crystal in this way on others, it is recommended that you clean the crystal afterwards.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

To learn more about Marcel Vogel and his techniques for crystal healing, read the first several chapters of his never-before-published autobiography, edited by Curtis Lang, which is in our Vogel Archives.

You'll find Marcel Vogel's instructions for using crystals for healing and meditation in the book along with a lot of other very important information for all metaphysical rockhounds.

Note: weight above is shipping weight. Actual weight is .30 oz. Each piece is unique & may vary slightly from photo above in appearance. Each piece is guaranteed to be beautiful and to meet with your complete satisfaction.

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