Rose Quartz Super Nova Hanging Earrings

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Sale price$289.00


This stunning pair of Super Nova Rose Quartz Hanging Earrings is of exceptional quality, both in the cut of the stones and in the simple sterling silver settings which allow the stones to breath and function at their highest vibration.

This new stone cut by Paul Jensen of Tools of Evolution line of sacred geometry power cut jewelry originally had no name last year, when we first saw them as pendants. They've been aptly named Super Nova, which describes their complexity of facets, which so closely resembles a honeybee hive, with its many faces of hexagonal design. Both the setting & the wire hangers on these earrings are made of sterling silver.

These Super Novas have substantial gemological and metaphysical value, have incredible light shining through the violet ray & sparkle! Wear these lovelies to light up your days & nights!

Rose quartz resonates with the energy signature of the heart chakra, according to the Western mystery school chakra system, and this gemstone quality rose quartz pendant receives, amplifies and transmits an extremely high vibration of unconditional love and open-hearted compassion originating in Higher Worlds.

Rose quartz projects a soft, soothing, gentle energy , and is especially supportive in cases where an individual is developing the capacity for self love. It sends out an energy of unconditional love, as compared with passionate love, which is why the energy of rose quartz resonates with the heart chakra rather than the lower chakras.

This is a gently healing gemstone, allowing for the slow opening of the heart to healing and loving energies. It supports the wearer or bearer of this stone in all spiritual practices and daily activities that promote the development of compassion for all beings -- and especially for oneself.

Rose quartz has often been used in the treatment of wounds to the emotional body, and especially a wounded heart, but can be used effectively in treatment of wounds to the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

We know you will use this powerful crystal with loving care and respect its long evolutionary journey deep in the Earth, which has developed its unique metaphysical properties and beautiful appearance.

Above weight is shipping weight. Net Weight: .1 ounce or 2.84 grams. Each piece is unique and may vary slightly in appearance. Each piece is guaranteed to be beautiful and to meet with your complete satisfaction!!

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