Round Pallasite Pendant with Star of David Faceting

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Sale price$433.00


This rare and unique 1" long Round Pallasite Pendant with Star of David Faceting, weighing 4.6 grams exclusive of chain, consists of a generous slice of the Seymchan meteorite, discovered in 1967, from the Magdan Oblast in Russia, featuring golden orange olivine inclusions.

Round Pallasite Pendant with Star of David Faceting

The jeweler has inscribed a subtle Star of David pattern on the surface of the stone. This remarkable pendant, set in sterling silver, comes complete with an 18" sterling silver chain, in its own velveteen jewelry box for safe keeping.

Pallasites are meteorites with an iron-nickel matrix displaying small gemstone quality chunks of olivine. Gemstone quality olivine is also known as peridot.

The Seymchan meteorite originated from somewhere in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter millions of years ago!!

The Seymcah meteorite is a Stony-iron meteorite with nickel, containing olivine, and was discovered in 1967 in a dry river bed in Megadan Oblast, Russia. Approximately 380 kilograms of meteoritic material have been collected since that time.

Our experience in working and meditating and wearing meteorites is truly inspiring and that is why we have decided to make them available to our customers, many of whom also meditate, work in the healing arts or want to participate in creating the new paradigm shift on earth.

Round Pallasite Pendant with Star of David FacetingWe find Pallasites to be not only repositories of Cosmic Energy from deep space but also deeply grounding, making these stones powerful assistants in accessing the Divine, our Higher Selves and a calm and tranquil energy stream.

Properties of Peridot

Peridot (also known as olivine) is the common name given by gemologists and jewelers to several varieties of a fairly rare magnesium iron silicate crystal commonly found in lava formations and meteorites -- known more technically by mineralogists as fosterite and fayalite.

In America many jewelers sell green garnets as "peridot", which is somewhat confusing. Garnets are far more common than the much more desirable and hard to get "true" peridot, which is available only from a very few volcanic locations around the world, and from even more rare meteorite falls.

True peridot has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 and a high specific gravity, due to the presence of iron in the gemstone, which is often found in igneous formations heavy in hematite. Peridot kinds and colours vary as follows: chrysolite is a yellowish green; peridot or "evening emerald" normally exhibits olive pistachio or leek-green colour, of a hue more subdued than the emerald.

Peridot is said to have been one of the stones found in the breastplate of the high priest of the Israelites in the Old Testament.

Round Pallasite Pendant with Star of David FacetingIn the Western mystery school traditions and many New Age chakra systems, yellow is the color of the third chakra, found in the stomach and solar plexus region, which is associated with the astral body and issues of personal power, hopes, dreams, fantasies and aspirations. In these systems, green is associated with the fourth, or heart chakra, the mental body, issues of relationship, universal feelings of unity and compassion, and individual beliefs and values.

Metaphysical crystal experts say that peridot radiates a warm, relaxing and cleansing energy, related especially to the third and fourth chakras.

Round Pallasite Pendant with Star of David FacetingPeridot is said to stimulate the heart and solar plexus chakras, bringing the activities of the mind into harmony with affairs of the heart. Peridot helps the bearer to an intellectual understanding of relationships, and to regulate the physical, mental, and emotional cycles surfacing in each stage of the life path.

Peridot is also said to lessen the impact of jealousy, traditionally associated with the color green, and chronic low-grade anger, traditionally associated with a sickly greenish yellow which is the color of bile, or gall.

Crystal healers often use peridot to tonify, energize and strengthen the body, which makes sense given its close association with the solar plexus and heart. For the same reason, peridot is used in the treatment of disorders of the lungs, heart, spleen and digestive tract.

Pallasite and the Archangel Michael Connection

Most importantly, we feel the high hematite content of the Pallasite meteorites manifests as an energy signature with a strong affinity to Archangel Michael and therefore imparts tremendous grounding and a protective energy shield around the body.

Round Pallasite Pendant with Star of David FacetingFor those seeking a strong connection to Archangel Michael, for those seeking to raise their energies to the Higher Chakras, and for those seeking to Ascend to Heart-Centered Consciousness, for those seeking to experience the joy and sorrow of Christ’s Compassion toward all beings, and for those seeking to experience the Consciousness of the Cosmic Christ, Pallasite is clearly a powerful Lightworker’s tool, as well as a beautiful and highly prized mineralogical treasure.

Esoteric Christianity makes a link between hematite and Archangel Michael, and a stone containing hematite can provide the bearer with a powerful connection to Michael, providing access to the Archangel's loving wisdom and power to dissolve illusion through the activity of his famous sword, the sword of Ultimate Truth.

In late August or early September, just prior to the entry of the sun into Libra during the month of the Autumn Equinox, in the northern hemisphere, the meteor showers are visible at night.

Archangel Michael Vanquishes a Fallen Angel

At this time of year, when sensational meteor showers, largely composed of iron, traditionally streak across the night sky, Esoteric Christian philosopher Rudolph Steiner’s clairvoyant vision saw the traditional flashing iron sword of Michael. This clairvoyant vision coincided with the traditional Christian Festival of Michaelmas.

According to Steiner, the meteoric sword of Michael was thought to cleanse the Earth’s atmosphere of summer's sulfurous influences, allowing the Higher Self to emerge and guide the initiate along the path of Spirit toward the birth of the Inner Christ Light, an event which takes place in December, during the festival of Christmas.

Michael’s Cosmic Cleansing of the Earth at the time of the Autumn Equinox promotes the Ascension of the Universal Life Force Energies, known as prana, chi, or kundalini, to rise from the lower three chakras into the heart chakra, and beyond.

For more information on Michaelmas, see our article entitled Libra Festivals: Michaelmas, Rosh Hoshanah, Ramadan and Navratri.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation.

Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Net weight 4.6 grams. Note: Each piece is unique and may vary slightly in appearance and dimensions from these pictures. Each piece is guaranteed to be beautiful and to meet with your complete satisfaction!

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