Siberian Blue Quartz Infinite Eye with White Topaz

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Sale price$332.00


This beautiful, natural untreated Siberian Blue Quartz Infinite Eye pendant with round White Topaz crown comes with a sterling silver chain in a velvet jewelry box.

This amazing new pendant, cut according to principles of sacred geometry, resembles the legendary Eye of Shiva. Created to gently encourage our inner vision, this pendant, composed of water clear, natural, Brazilian quartz and gemstone quality white topaz carries a high-frequency energy signature!

Siberian Blue Quartz Infinite Eye with White Topaz

It is set into a simple sterling silver setting which allows the stones to breathe and comes with a sterling silver chain which will sit upon the thymus, between the heart & throat chakras, where it will be of the utmost benefit.

The Infinite Eye "celebrates the geometry of 'As above, so below'. This cut helps to place the center of infinity within our hearts and minds, the infinite flow of 'All that Is', centered in Love, becomes our daily companion. Consciously using this tool for maintaining your personal connection with your Higher Self (the Holy Spirit) will assist you in 'seeing' your way to compassion and forgiveness, accelerating Spiritual Growth."

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of White Topaz

Topaz is an extremely hard gemstone composed of Aluminum Fluorsilicate, which often grows as orthorhombic crystals in igneous, high-temperature rock formations. Gem quality Topaz can be found in a variety of colors, from colorless to pale greenish-yellow, yellow, orange-yellow and even blue.

Topaz is a prismatic crystal which seems to hold the qualities of the etheric, both as an attractor and as a conductor. It aids in manifestation through catalytic action "while the vibratory resonance acts with an ethereal magnetic effect" and can be used to manifest health and to "correct disorders of the body" according to Melody. She further states in her book, "Love is in the Earth" that topaz is "a stone of true love and success in all endeavors".

Topaz gets its name from the ancient Red Sea island once known as "Topazios", now called St. John's. Legend has it that the word "Topazios" meant "to seek" and that the island where this stone was first found was always surrounded by thick fog, making access to the stone difficult at best.

Topaz has been considered a valuable spiritual ally by the African bushmen for millennia.Their shamanic practitioners have used Topaz in traditional healing ceremonies, to connect with spirits departed from the Earth plane, and especially to attract wealth and health.

Siberian Blue Quartz Infinite Eye with White Topaz

Topaz is known as a stone of love and worldly success. Topaz infuses the wearer with confidence while dispelling the fog of self-doubts and expels negativity from the user while encouraging attitudes of playfulness, joy and creativity. For these reasons, Topaz is thought to be the ideal stone to strengthen attitudes and energies of self-love.

Properties of Siberian Blue Quartz

This lab quartz is grown in Russia and according to the jeweler who created it, it enhances psychic insight and development. In combination with Danburite which already enhances our connection with the Higher Mind and the Divine World, this pendant will be a great tool for meditation and any subtle energy work. This piece can also be used for psychic protection as well as assisting us in speaking our Truth connected to our Divine Purpose.

Siberian Blue Quartz is grown using a hydrothermal technique in a high temperature autoclave from a natural seed crystal. The laboratory method for producing quartz crystals mimics Nature's way of growing quartz crystals, using high temperature and high pressure water solutions. In a bit of modern-day alchemy, scientists add mineral impurities to the alkaline solution (often Sodium Hydroxide) that feeds the crystal's growth in the autoclave to create crystals with beautiful colors and energy signatures resonating with the power of the mineral additives.

Siberian Blue Quartz is created by the addition of Cobalt to the liquid mixture that feeds the seed crystal's growth in the laboratory. The cobalt imparts an amazing deep blue coloration to the quartz crystal.

The cobalt blue coloration of Siberian Blue Quartz resonates with the energy signature of the throat and third eye chakras, which are colored blue and indigo in the Western chakra system, so Siberian Blue Quartz activates and energizes those two vitally important chakras.

Siberian Blue Quartz can help to facilitate communications activities of all kinds, and strengthen the connection between the throat chakra and the third eye chakra, infusing our communications with the wisdom and love found in the Higher Self when the third eye is fully activated.

Because of its unique property of activating the throat and third eye chakras and clearing the connection between the two, Siberian Blue Quartz is said to infuse the user's mind with the ideal of service to the world, and to help the user develop a strong commitment to furthering the spiritual development of all humanity.

This same property provides the user with increased access to the akashic records, the energetic templates containing the patterns of perfection that govern the birth, growth and development of the human body (the microcosm) and the universe (the macrocosm). The development of clairvoyance, associated with the opening of the Third Eye Chakra, is enhanced by this increased access to the Akashic Records.

We often recommend that our Reiki and past life therapy clients wear crystals or gemstones for protection, to assist in working on all of one's bodies: physical, mental and emotional.

You can read more about crystals in our article "Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation"or you can read about Marcel Vogel and crystal healing in that article.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Note: Weight above is shipping weight. Net weight of this pendant is .15 ounces, or 4.3 grams.

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