Slim 18 Sided Pale Smoky Quartz Gold Capped Garnet Filled Vogel Wand

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This beautiful, energetically powerful 5.25" long 18 sided natural Slim 18 Sided Pale Smoky Brazilian Quartz Gold Capped Garnet Filled Vogel Wand, weighing 6.45 ounces or 183 grams, has been drilled and filled with a selection of beautiful, energetically powerful garnet gemstones and sealed with a 14 karat gold cap.

Slim 18 Sided Pale Smoky Quartz Gold Capped Garnet Filled Vogel Wand

There are some brilliant mica like ribbon inclusions in the shaft that extend into the male end of the wand, but these do not detract from its beauty or energetic power.

This unique wand is designed to enhance the flow of Universal Life Force Energy, also known as "prana" in the Ayurvedic healing system, or "chi" in Chinese Medicine. 

The combination of garnet gemstones and smoky quartz make this wand ideal for Reiki and crystal healing practices designed to alleviate pain and promote healing in the physical body.

Smoky quartz and garnet gemstones are said to work on the lower chakras of the body, promoting gentle, gradual healing and providing a sense of increased vitality and well being.

The rounded end of the wand is ideal for use on acupressure or acupuncture points, on sore muscles, or anywhere on the body that a soothing energizing massage would be beneficial. Energy is transmitted through the rounded base of the wand when doing energy treatments, and this augments the benefits of healing massage.

Properties of Smoky Quartz

Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of this very popular form of quartz crystal.

Some mineralogists suggest the dark pigment in smoky quartz results from the presence of trivalent titanium or the presence of certain carbon compounds.

Other mineralogists suggest that the characteristic dark brown to black color of smoky quartz is produced when clear quartz is exposed to natural radiation emanating from radioactive rocks in the same geological formation where the quartz crystals form and grow.

<h3><em>Properties of Smoky Quartz</em></h3> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of this very popular form of quartz crystal.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Some mineralogists suggest the dark pigment in smoky quartz results from the presence of trivalent titanium or the presence of certain carbon compounds.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Other mineralogists suggest that the characteristic dark brown to black color of smoky quartz is produced when clear quartz is exposed to natural radiation emanating from radioactive rocks in the same geological formation where the quartz crystals form and grow.</span></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><span class="s1"><img alt="" src="" width="591" height="591"></span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">The current most widely accepted scientific hypothesis is that when clear quartz is exposed to radiation, the radiation alters the oxidation states of mineral impurities found within the quartz structure, resulting in smoky quartz.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">“The frequent occurrence of smoky quartz in association with rare earth and radioactive minerals is very significant, for later it will be indicated that smoky quartz may have been colored through the action of radioactive elements,” says the University of Michigan’s Edward F. Holden, in a 1925 article in<em>The American Mineralogist.</em><span>&nbsp;</span><em>“</em>In Ontario smoky quartz is a constant associate of radioactive minerals, and the same association is frequent in Madagascar. Enormous smoky quartz crystals occur in the well known radioactive pegmatite of Baringer Hill, Texas.”</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">“The evidence given thus far is in agreement with the theory that smoky quartz owes its color to atoms of silicon, formed by the disintegration of silica, through the action of radium radiations,” Holden continues. “The mechanism of the formation of the free silicon may perhaps be pictured in this way: The radiations may remove the four outer electrons from a silicon atom, which would then be equally shared by the two associated oxygen atoms. As a result, two free oxygen atoms and a free silicon atom would be formed. They could take no part in the crystal structure since their attractive force for other atoms would have been destroyed. Hence, they should act as small inclusions, the silicon atoms producing the light-scattering and the color so characteristic of smoky quartz. We would expect the silicon atoms to be most effective in scattering light because of their greater atomic weight, and the possibility of the escape of the oxygen atoms.”</span><span class="s2"><br></span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">From this scientific analysis it is clear that smoky quartz, although quite likely formed through the action of radioactive elements, is not radioactive itself, and this perfectly natural process is not detrimental to the crystals or to human beings utilizing these crystals for ornamentation, in meditation, for crystal healing, or for any other purpose.</span></p> <p class="p1"><em>Smoky quartz has been a favorite healing stone of shamanistic practitioners around the world for thousands of years.</em><br><em>Smoky quartz is often used by modern crystal healers to facilitate the extraction of energetic blockages that prevent the smooth flow of Universal Life Force energy throughout the body, mind and aura.</em><br><br><em>Smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy.</em></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="" src=""></em></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em>Manipura Chakra</em></p> <p><em>And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system.</em></p> <p>Smoky quartz is excellent for grounding the user and to provide a powerful energy barrier protecting the user from intrusive negative emotions and collective thought forms from the outer environment.</p>

The current most widely accepted scientific hypothesis is that when clear quartz is exposed to radiation, the radiation alters the oxidation states of mineral impurities found within the quartz structure, resulting in smoky quartz.

“The frequent occurrence of smoky quartz in association with rare earth and radioactive minerals is very significant, for later it will be indicated that smoky quartz may have been colored through the action of radioactive elements,” says the University of Michigan’s Edward F. Holden, in a 1925 article inThe American Mineralogist. In Ontario smoky quartz is a constant associate of radioactive minerals, and the same association is frequent in Madagascar. Enormous smoky quartz crystals occur in the well known radioactive pegmatite of Baringer Hill, Texas.”

“The evidence given thus far is in agreement with the theory that smoky quartz owes its color to atoms of silicon, formed by the disintegration of silica, through the action of radium radiations,” Holden continues. “The mechanism of the formation of the free silicon may perhaps be pictured in this way: The radiations may remove the four outer electrons from a silicon atom, which would then be equally shared by the two associated oxygen atoms. As a result, two free oxygen atoms and a free silicon atom would be formed. They could take no part in the crystal structure since their attractive force for other atoms would have been destroyed. Hence, they should act as small inclusions, the silicon atoms producing the light-scattering and the color so characteristic of smoky quartz. We would expect the silicon atoms to be most effective in scattering light because of their greater atomic weight, and the possibility of the escape of the oxygen atoms.”

<h3><em>Properties of Smoky Quartz</em></h3> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of this very popular form of quartz crystal.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Some mineralogists suggest the dark pigment in smoky quartz results from the presence of trivalent titanium or the presence of certain carbon compounds.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Other mineralogists suggest that the characteristic dark brown to black color of smoky quartz is produced when clear quartz is exposed to natural radiation emanating from radioactive rocks in the same geological formation where the quartz crystals form and grow.</span></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><span class="s1"><img alt="" src="" width="591" height="591"></span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">The current most widely accepted scientific hypothesis is that when clear quartz is exposed to radiation, the radiation alters the oxidation states of mineral impurities found within the quartz structure, resulting in smoky quartz.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">“The frequent occurrence of smoky quartz in association with rare earth and radioactive minerals is very significant, for later it will be indicated that smoky quartz may have been colored through the action of radioactive elements,” says the University of Michigan’s Edward F. Holden, in a 1925 article in<em>The American Mineralogist.</em><span>&nbsp;</span><em>“</em>In Ontario smoky quartz is a constant associate of radioactive minerals, and the same association is frequent in Madagascar. Enormous smoky quartz crystals occur in the well known radioactive pegmatite of Baringer Hill, Texas.”</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">“The evidence given thus far is in agreement with the theory that smoky quartz owes its color to atoms of silicon, formed by the disintegration of silica, through the action of radium radiations,” Holden continues. “The mechanism of the formation of the free silicon may perhaps be pictured in this way: The radiations may remove the four outer electrons from a silicon atom, which would then be equally shared by the two associated oxygen atoms. As a result, two free oxygen atoms and a free silicon atom would be formed. They could take no part in the crystal structure since their attractive force for other atoms would have been destroyed. Hence, they should act as small inclusions, the silicon atoms producing the light-scattering and the color so characteristic of smoky quartz. We would expect the silicon atoms to be most effective in scattering light because of their greater atomic weight, and the possibility of the escape of the oxygen atoms.”</span><span class="s2"><br></span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">From this scientific analysis it is clear that smoky quartz, although quite likely formed through the action of radioactive elements, is not radioactive itself, and this perfectly natural process is not detrimental to the crystals or to human beings utilizing these crystals for ornamentation, in meditation, for crystal healing, or for any other purpose.</span></p> <p class="p1"><em>Smoky quartz has been a favorite healing stone of shamanistic practitioners around the world for thousands of years.</em><br><em>Smoky quartz is often used by modern crystal healers to facilitate the extraction of energetic blockages that prevent the smooth flow of Universal Life Force energy throughout the body, mind and aura.</em><br><br><em>Smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy.</em></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="" src=""></em></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em>Manipura Chakra</em></p> <p><em>And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system.</em></p> <p>Smoky quartz is excellent for grounding the user and to provide a powerful energy barrier protecting the user from intrusive negative emotions and collective thought forms from the outer environment.</p>

From this scientific analysis it is clear that smoky quartz, although quite likely formed through the action of radioactive elements, is not radioactive itself, and this perfectly natural process is not detrimental to the crystals or to human beings utilizing these crystals for ornamentation, in meditation, for crystal healing, or for any other purpose.

Smoky quartz has been a favorite healing stone of shamanistic practitioners around the world for thousands of years.

Smoky quartz is often used by modern crystal healers to facilitate the extraction of energetic blockages that prevent the smooth flow of Universal Life Force energy throughout the body, mind and aura.

Smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy.

Manipura Chakra

And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system.

Smoky quartz is excellent for grounding the user and to provide a powerful energy barrier protecting the user from intrusive negative emotions and collective thought forms from the outer environment.

Properties of the Highly Faceted Garnet Filled Quartz Crystal Healing Wand

The most important thing to remember in working with faceted crystals for healing is that the purpose of the faceting should be to amplify and transmit an increasingly coherent stream of energy to a subject.

As Marcel Vogel discovered, some hexagonal quartz crystal wands occur naturally with six more or less equilateral sides and more or less equal triangular termination facets.

Oil Painting of Marcel Vogel from his estate, collection of Satya Center

Oil Painting of Marcel Vogel from his estate, collection of Satya Center

Vogel discovered that these six sided wands amplified the energy being transmitted by the wand when the termination facets on the female end created a more obtuse angle and when the termination facets on the male end created a more acute angle.

In a naturally formed quartz crystal of somewhat irregular shape and symmetry, the energy within the crystal tends to move through the crystal in a less directed way than the Vogel style cuts.

<h3><em>Properties of Smoky Quartz</em></h3> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of this very popular form of quartz crystal.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Some mineralogists suggest the dark pigment in smoky quartz results from the presence of trivalent titanium or the presence of certain carbon compounds.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Other mineralogists suggest that the characteristic dark brown to black color of smoky quartz is produced when clear quartz is exposed to natural radiation emanating from radioactive rocks in the same geological formation where the quartz crystals form and grow.</span></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><span class="s1"><img alt="" src="" width="591" height="591"></span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">The current most widely accepted scientific hypothesis is that when clear quartz is exposed to radiation, the radiation alters the oxidation states of mineral impurities found within the quartz structure, resulting in smoky quartz.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">“The frequent occurrence of smoky quartz in association with rare earth and radioactive minerals is very significant, for later it will be indicated that smoky quartz may have been colored through the action of radioactive elements,” says the University of Michigan’s Edward F. Holden, in a 1925 article in<em>The American Mineralogist.</em><span>&nbsp;</span><em>“</em>In Ontario smoky quartz is a constant associate of radioactive minerals, and the same association is frequent in Madagascar. Enormous smoky quartz crystals occur in the well known radioactive pegmatite of Baringer Hill, Texas.”</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">“The evidence given thus far is in agreement with the theory that smoky quartz owes its color to atoms of silicon, formed by the disintegration of silica, through the action of radium radiations,” Holden continues. “The mechanism of the formation of the free silicon may perhaps be pictured in this way: The radiations may remove the four outer electrons from a silicon atom, which would then be equally shared by the two associated oxygen atoms. As a result, two free oxygen atoms and a free silicon atom would be formed. They could take no part in the crystal structure since their attractive force for other atoms would have been destroyed. Hence, they should act as small inclusions, the silicon atoms producing the light-scattering and the color so characteristic of smoky quartz. We would expect the silicon atoms to be most effective in scattering light because of their greater atomic weight, and the possibility of the escape of the oxygen atoms.”</span><span class="s2"><br></span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">From this scientific analysis it is clear that smoky quartz, although quite likely formed through the action of radioactive elements, is not radioactive itself, and this perfectly natural process is not detrimental to the crystals or to human beings utilizing these crystals for ornamentation, in meditation, for crystal healing, or for any other purpose.</span></p> <p class="p1"><em>Smoky quartz has been a favorite healing stone of shamanistic practitioners around the world for thousands of years.</em><br><em>Smoky quartz is often used by modern crystal healers to facilitate the extraction of energetic blockages that prevent the smooth flow of Universal Life Force energy throughout the body, mind and aura.</em><br><br><em>Smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy.</em></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="" src=""></em></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em>Manipura Chakra</em></p> <p><em>And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system.</em></p> <p>Smoky quartz is excellent for grounding the user and to provide a powerful energy barrier protecting the user from intrusive negative emotions and collective thought forms from the outer environment.</p>

But when a crystal had a very definite symmetry, especially the hexagonal symmetry, then the energy gathers in the larger, receptive end of the crystal, and if directed by a knowledgeable human hand, travels in a series of tighter and tighter concentric circles around the interior of the crystal, and down into the tip of the male end of the crystal, where it would be emitted as a much more coherent stream of energy.

Energy healers also discovered that when the sharp male tip of the healing wand is congruent with the C-axis of the crystal, exactly centered within the circle formed when you look head-on at the male end of the crystal, this made the energetic flow stronger and more coherent.

When the center of the female end of the crystal wand is congruent with the C-axis of the crystal, exactly centered within the circle formed when you look head-on at the female end of the crystal, this made the energetic flow stronger and more coherent.

Total symmetry created the crystal healer's version of the laser beam.

Over time, crystal healers like the legendary Marcel Vogel began to create faceted crystal wands with more than six sides, and found that increasing the number of facets on the shaft amplified the energy transmitted through the wand.

To learn more about Marcel Vogel and his techniques for crystal healing, read the first several chapters of his never-before-published autobiography, edited by Curtis Lang, which is in our Vogel Archives.

You'll find Marcel Vogel's instructions for using crystals for healing and meditation in the book along with a lot of other very important information for all metaphysical rockhounds.

The Garnet Filled Quartz Crystal Healing Wand represents a new innovation in crystal healing wands, utilizing an 18 sided configuration and adding garnet gemstones within the crystal to impart the energetic properties of garnet gemstones to this wand's energy signature.

In addition, the garnet gemstones inside the wand acts as a "transformer", stepping down the extremely high-frequency prana, or Universal Life Force Energy, that is received, amplified and then transmitted through the wand.

This "physicalizes" the prana, directing more of the energy to the physical body, and less energy to the astral and etheric bodies. Thus the Pranic Healing Wand is ideal for use with individuals with physical health problems.

This Garnet Filled Healing Wand is ideal for treatments designed to optimize and increase the flow of energy through the physical body and to increase the amount of prana, or "chi" that is stored in the body's "hara center", located about two finger widths below the navel. When the prana or "chi" in the body becomes depleted, then a variety of health problems can ensue, including immune system deficiency, chronic ailments, and fatigue.

Our experience with the Garnet Filled Healing Wand has been extremely positive. Jane and I have used these precious tools for crystal healing in Reiki sessions and in meditation, and we have found that the unique design of these crystal healing wands increases the flow of energy through the wand dramatically, when compared to comparable crystal wands that are lacking the garnet gemstones.

Clients with extreme anxiety and severe physical ailments responded by entering a state of deep relaxation within a few minutes of initiating the Reiki treatment. Clients with immune system malfunction, depression, and/or abnormally low energy reported an increase in their energy levels for up to three days following treatment.

In meditation, this Garnet Filled Healing Wand proved a reliable aid, helping us to enter a deep state of body relaxation and mental stillness.

<h3><em>Properties of Smoky Quartz</em></h3> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of this very popular form of quartz crystal.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Some mineralogists suggest the dark pigment in smoky quartz results from the presence of trivalent titanium or the presence of certain carbon compounds.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Other mineralogists suggest that the characteristic dark brown to black color of smoky quartz is produced when clear quartz is exposed to natural radiation emanating from radioactive rocks in the same geological formation where the quartz crystals form and grow.</span></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><span class="s1"><img alt="" src="" width="591" height="591"></span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">The current most widely accepted scientific hypothesis is that when clear quartz is exposed to radiation, the radiation alters the oxidation states of mineral impurities found within the quartz structure, resulting in smoky quartz.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">“The frequent occurrence of smoky quartz in association with rare earth and radioactive minerals is very significant, for later it will be indicated that smoky quartz may have been colored through the action of radioactive elements,” says the University of Michigan’s Edward F. Holden, in a 1925 article in<em>The American Mineralogist.</em><span>&nbsp;</span><em>“</em>In Ontario smoky quartz is a constant associate of radioactive minerals, and the same association is frequent in Madagascar. Enormous smoky quartz crystals occur in the well known radioactive pegmatite of Baringer Hill, Texas.”</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">“The evidence given thus far is in agreement with the theory that smoky quartz owes its color to atoms of silicon, formed by the disintegration of silica, through the action of radium radiations,” Holden continues. “The mechanism of the formation of the free silicon may perhaps be pictured in this way: The radiations may remove the four outer electrons from a silicon atom, which would then be equally shared by the two associated oxygen atoms. As a result, two free oxygen atoms and a free silicon atom would be formed. They could take no part in the crystal structure since their attractive force for other atoms would have been destroyed. Hence, they should act as small inclusions, the silicon atoms producing the light-scattering and the color so characteristic of smoky quartz. We would expect the silicon atoms to be most effective in scattering light because of their greater atomic weight, and the possibility of the escape of the oxygen atoms.”</span><span class="s2"><br></span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">From this scientific analysis it is clear that smoky quartz, although quite likely formed through the action of radioactive elements, is not radioactive itself, and this perfectly natural process is not detrimental to the crystals or to human beings utilizing these crystals for ornamentation, in meditation, for crystal healing, or for any other purpose.</span></p> <p class="p1"><em>Smoky quartz has been a favorite healing stone of shamanistic practitioners around the world for thousands of years.</em><br><em>Smoky quartz is often used by modern crystal healers to facilitate the extraction of energetic blockages that prevent the smooth flow of Universal Life Force energy throughout the body, mind and aura.</em><br><br><em>Smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy.</em></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="" src=""></em></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em>Manipura Chakra</em></p> <p><em>And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system.</em></p> <p>Smoky quartz is excellent for grounding the user and to provide a powerful energy barrier protecting the user from intrusive negative emotions and collective thought forms from the outer environment.</p>

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Garnets

The garnet derives its name from the pomegranate seed. Pomegranate is called punica granatum in Latin.

Garnets have been used for millennia in shamanistic healing and spiritual traditions across the globe, by Native American Indians, Aztecs, Mayans, and African medicine men and healers. Garnet is also one of the stones found in the breastplate of the Israeli High Priest in the Old Testament.

Garnets were traditionally considered stones of protection in both the Middle East and European spiritual traditions, used to ward off demons and evil environmental influences, and to protect warriors in battle.

Garnets were also used as stones of sexual healing, to promote passionate connection between loving partners.

Most of all, garnets are the quintessential stone of prosperity, used to manifest abundant wealth and income for millennia in cultures around the world.

All these properties are connected to the garnet's connection to the root chakra, which is colored red in the Western chakra system, and which governs issues of survival, adequate prosperity to sustain life, and sexual energy.

Muladhara or Root Chakra, as seen in clairvoyant vision by Theosophist Charles Leadbeater,

Muladhara or Root Chakra, as seen in clairvoyant vision

by Theosophist Charles Leadbeater

C. W. Leadbeater, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The root chakra is the site of the coiled kundalini energy which is the fountainhead of all spiritual experiences, and thus the garnet is also thought to expedite the awakening of the kundalini energy which normally lies dormant in human beings until awakened by a spiritual teacher or by intense spiritual experience of some kind.

Garnets typically are used by spiritual healers to transmute negative energy or stuck energy within a sick person into healthy energy, and to restore the proper flow of life force energy throughout the individual's body.

The garnet works to equilibrate, cleanse and energize the root chakra, grounding the bearer, strengthening the bearer's self-confidence and sense of physical security, enhancing the sexual energy, the flow of kundalini, and the store of universal life force energy in the physical body.

Jane and I have used garnets in Reiki treatments on ourselves and with clients, and have found that this is one of the most powerful gemstones we have ever used to enhance the flow of universal life force energy, "chi", or "prana" in the body.

Properties of Smoky Quartz Crystals

Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of this very popular form of quartz crystal, ranging from sodium to other minerals in the crystal. According to Melody ("Love is in the Earth"), smoky quartz is produced by the presence of sodium in clear crystal, facilitating the regulatation of fluids in the body, acting much like a mineral supplement bringing mineral equilibrium.

Other mineralogists suggest other theories concerning the dark pigment in smoky quartz, including the presence of trivalent titanium or the presence of carbon compounds.

<h3><em>Properties of Smoky Quartz</em></h3> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of this very popular form of quartz crystal.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Some mineralogists suggest the dark pigment in smoky quartz results from the presence of trivalent titanium or the presence of certain carbon compounds.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Other mineralogists suggest that the characteristic dark brown to black color of smoky quartz is produced when clear quartz is exposed to natural radiation emanating from radioactive rocks in the same geological formation where the quartz crystals form and grow.</span></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><span class="s1"><img alt="" src="" width="591" height="591"></span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">The current most widely accepted scientific hypothesis is that when clear quartz is exposed to radiation, the radiation alters the oxidation states of mineral impurities found within the quartz structure, resulting in smoky quartz.</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">“The frequent occurrence of smoky quartz in association with rare earth and radioactive minerals is very significant, for later it will be indicated that smoky quartz may have been colored through the action of radioactive elements,” says the University of Michigan’s Edward F. Holden, in a 1925 article in<em>The American Mineralogist.</em><span>&nbsp;</span><em>“</em>In Ontario smoky quartz is a constant associate of radioactive minerals, and the same association is frequent in Madagascar. Enormous smoky quartz crystals occur in the well known radioactive pegmatite of Baringer Hill, Texas.”</span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">“The evidence given thus far is in agreement with the theory that smoky quartz owes its color to atoms of silicon, formed by the disintegration of silica, through the action of radium radiations,” Holden continues. “The mechanism of the formation of the free silicon may perhaps be pictured in this way: The radiations may remove the four outer electrons from a silicon atom, which would then be equally shared by the two associated oxygen atoms. As a result, two free oxygen atoms and a free silicon atom would be formed. They could take no part in the crystal structure since their attractive force for other atoms would have been destroyed. Hence, they should act as small inclusions, the silicon atoms producing the light-scattering and the color so characteristic of smoky quartz. We would expect the silicon atoms to be most effective in scattering light because of their greater atomic weight, and the possibility of the escape of the oxygen atoms.”</span><span class="s2"><br></span></p> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">From this scientific analysis it is clear that smoky quartz, although quite likely formed through the action of radioactive elements, is not radioactive itself, and this perfectly natural process is not detrimental to the crystals or to human beings utilizing these crystals for ornamentation, in meditation, for crystal healing, or for any other purpose.</span></p> <p class="p1"><em>Smoky quartz has been a favorite healing stone of shamanistic practitioners around the world for thousands of years.</em><br><em>Smoky quartz is often used by modern crystal healers to facilitate the extraction of energetic blockages that prevent the smooth flow of Universal Life Force energy throughout the body, mind and aura.</em><br><br><em>Smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy.</em></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em><img alt="" src=""></em></p> <p class="p1" style="text-align: center;"><em>Manipura Chakra</em></p> <p><em>And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system.</em></p> <p>Smoky quartz is excellent for grounding the user and to provide a powerful energy barrier protecting the user from intrusive negative emotions and collective thought forms from the outer environment.</p>

Some mineralogists suggest that the characteristic dark brown to black color of smoky quartz is produced when clear quartz is exposed to natural radiation emanating from radioactive rocks in the same geological formation where the quartz crystals form and grow. The current scientific hypothesis is that when clear quartz is exposed to radiation, the radiation alters the oxidation states of mineral impurities found within the quartz structure, resulting in smoky quartz.

“The frequent occurrence of smoky quartz in association with rare earth and radioactive minerals is very significant, for later it will be indicated that smoky quartz may have been colored through the action of radioactive elements,” says the University of Michigan’s Edward F. Holden, in a 1925 article in The American Mineralogist. In Ontario smoky quartz is a constant associate of radioactive minerals,6 and the same association is frequent in Madagascar. Enormous smoky quartz crystals occur in the well known radioactive pegmatite of Baringer Hill, Texas.”

“The evidence given thus far is in agreement with the theory that smoky quartz owes its color to atoms of silicon, formed by the disintegration of silica, through the action of radium radiations,” Holden continues. “The mechanism of the formation of the free silicon may perhaps be pictured in this way: The radiations may remove the four outer electrons from a silicon atom, which would then be equally shared by the two associated oxygen atoms. As a result, two free oxygen atoms and a free silicon atom would be formed. They could take no part in the crystal structure since their attractive force for other atoms would have been destroyed. Hence, they should act as small inclusions, the silicon atoms producing the light-scattering and the color so characteristic of smoky quartz. We would expect the silicon atoms to be most effective in scattering light because of their greater atomic weight, and the possibility of the escape of the oxygen atoms.”

From this scientific analysis it is clear that smoky quartz, although quite likely formed through the action of radioactive elements, is not radioactive itself, and this perfectly natural process is not detrimental to the crystals or to human beings utilizing these crystals for ornamentation, in meditation, for crystal healing, or for any other purpose.

Smoky quartz has been a favorite healing stone of shamanistic practitioners around the world for thousands of years.

According to modern day energy healers, smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy. And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system.

It is an aid in gently releasing blockages caused by negative energy patterns in the emotional body. Smoky quartz has been used as an aid in meditation, for energy healing, and to create a protective barrier of energy around the holder, being grounding and clearing the mind.

Our experience in working with smoky quartz both for ourselves in meditation and self treatment & with clients on the Reiki table is one of supreme protection, slow and deep healing, and gentle awakening of spirit. Smoky quartz guards our house, is a companion to the sick and is a humble & deep gift from the Mother.

Slim 13 Sided Pale Smoky Quartz Gold Capped Garnet Filled Vogel Wand

This wand comes with its own FREE handmade pouch constructed of 100% polyester fleece and micro bonded suede that has the look and feel of real sheepskin. They are designed for a snug fit and come with extra padding to protect delicate tips and points. 

This 21st century update of a Vogel style wand has been drilled and filled with a selection of beautiful, energetically powerful peridot gemstones suspended in jojoba oil.

Nothing was compressed and nothing else added to the channel in the wand.

This Vogel style wand is in no way similar to the Acoustic Resonance Crystals you may have seen online, which are created with a process involving compression of various ingredients, added to drilled channels in the wand.

This Vogel style wand is not a Pranic Healing Wand. Pranic Healing Wands have a drilled channel in the rounded female end, which is then filled with pure gold. They do not have gemstones within them.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires. 

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Note: Actual Weight of garnet filled quartz crystal pendant is 6.45 oz., or 183 grams.

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