Smoky Citrine Lemurian with Key Crystal and Anatase

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Sale price$209.00


This natural, unpolished 4 inch long Smoky Citrine Lemurian with Key Crystal and Anatase, weighing 91 grams, has tremendous inner clarity, a growth interference groove at the bottom of one face, and a rich deep glowing coloration. This wand exhibits the striations along the shaft collectors associate with Lemurian crystals. You'll notice a large key crystal that grew from outside the crystal into its interior at the bottom of the base.

You can see there's a generous sprinkling of anatase on two sides of the shaft and one of the faces of the termination tip and on two sides of the shaft, where it is visible as highly reflective metallic particles. Anatase is a form of titanium dioxide, and is the key mineral component of rutilated quartz, where the rutile often forms long slender rods of silver or gold. Here it lends a sparkling inner glow to the Lemurian wand.

Lemurians with anatase are especially prized by Lightworkers because the rutile enhances the flow of Universal Life Force energy through the crystal, and acts as a stimulant for the lucky person who holds the crystal.

 This crystal is from a new find in the Serra do Cobral Mountain range in Brazil, where both the old and new Lemurian mines are located.

Read about the mineralogical and metaphysical properties of Lemurian crystals of various types in our new online book Spirits of Stone. Read Chapter Two and learn about the history & use of Lemurian Seed Crystals. See new photos from the Lemurian mines of the Serra do Cabral and a map of the mines.

Key crystals are small, usually hexagonal or three-sided crystal rods that grow from outside the primary crystal inward, and penetrate the shaft or the termination tip of another crystal.

This key crystal can enhance your connection to Guides and Teachers, and other Beings of Light in Higher Realms.

The key crystal also enlivens the flow of Shakti or kundalini energy which enhances the effectiveness of meditation and crystal healing sessions.

I have used this type of crystal in this manner, and experienced its power. In fact, the others in the room with me also experienced heightened states of awareness during meditation at the same time.

Smoky Citrine Lemurians also referred to as Shadow Healer Lemurians are a combination of smoky quartz and citrine. Smoky Citrine is a stone of transformation, an alchemist’s stone. Smoky Citrine Lemurians facilitate a smooth and easy, graceful access to a very deep place when doing inner work.

Smoky Citrine combines the energies of these two powerful types of crystal. Smoky quartz and citrine are both found in high-temperature hydrothermal veins in Brazil, and both are used to transform negative or unwanted energies. And in conjunction with the energy signature of Lemurians, these stones are a powerhouse of tranformative energies.

Properties of Lemurian Quartz Crystals

Lemurians occur naturally with multiple striations and it is thought that these striations contain information from ancient civilizations. They are tuned to energies of unity, and help us to balance the spiritual and physical aspects of our lives. Place the striations on the third eye or place the finger on the striations while meditating, or just place the crystal on your meditation cushion or altar nearby you.

They are said to have been left behind by an advanced ancient civilization known as the Lemurians. Lemuria is said to have been an intuitive, spiritual civilization.

The most prominent source of information about Lemurian civilization comes from wisdom teachers of the now-legendary Theosophical School of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, which included such luminaries as J. Krishnamurti, Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Rudolf Steiner and Charles Leadbeater. These spiritual teachers claimed to have had clairvoyant insights into the history and origins of the human race that transcended all existing scholarship and historical records. These clairvoyant mystics relied upon a direct experience of the Akashic Records to formulate their own timeline of human development.

The Akashic Records are said to constitute a vast, ethereal library containing all of humanity's thoughts, words and deeds which has been impressed upon the substance of the vast Universal Field of Life Force Energy filling all time and space. In fact, the information in the Akashic Records is considered Universal in nature, and transcends human history. Scholars of the Hindu Vedas, the oldest written sacred scriptures on our planet, say that the wisdom in the Vedas was transcribed by ancient seers and sages, known as "rishis", who read the Akashic records and recorded what they saw.

Dr. Rudolf SteinerAccording to mystic, clairvoyant, author and scholar Rudolf Steiner, who broke with the Theosophical Society and founded the Waldorf Schools and biodynamic agriculture, the Lemurian civilization existed prior to Atlantis, and existed in South Asia and Africa, extending from Ceylon to Madagascar.

According to Steiner, the Lemurians derived immense powers of will and strength from a direct connection to the energy bodies of plants and animals around them. The Lemurian was, says Steiner, "a born magician in all fields of lower human activities." Steiner discusses the Lemurian civilization extensively in his book "Cosmic Memory" and in many other publications and lectures.

According to Steiner, Lemurian institutions of higher learning focused on teaching initiates secret techniques enabling them to control the forces of nature by direct contemplation. Steiner said these Lemurian mystery schools "stood far above what mankind has since acquired in the way of arts and sciences." He called them "colleges of will power and of the clairvoyant power of the imagination. From them emerged men who became, in every respect, rulers of the others."

Steiner says that life on Earth was vastly different then. The "air was much thicker", the "water much thinner." The ground was thin and broken apart continually by the action of convulsive volcanic forces. The Earth in this period was shaped by the primal element of Fire. What we know as small ferns existed as giants of the plant world. Only amphibians, birds and lower animals existed. The vast majority of humanity lived a very primitive life, which can only be described as animalistic in nature.

Yet for those in the Lemurian mystery schools, life was exalted beyond what we know today. "The uninitiated, of course, stood under the magical influence of the initiated," says Steiner. "It was also natural that the latter considered themselves sanctified personages. . . They looked into the creative workshop of nature. They experienced a communion with the beings who built the world itself. One can call this communion an association with the gods."

Steiner says that in the later periods of the more highly developed Lemurian civilization, the role of female initiates was paramount, and that these female initiates were responsible for planting the seeds of the knowledge of good and evil in the soul of mankind, as well as for developing the first human awareness of beauty, and for cultivating the first human language, a kind of song.

Thus all subsequent human civilizations owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Lemurian priestesses, who created the first Mystery Schools teaching enlightenment through direct experience of nature, the firsthuman system of ethics, the first art and highly developed system of aesthetics and the first, prototypical human language.

The Lemurian civilization's artifacts have been recently rediscovered by Lightworkers whose energy and auric signatures resonate harmonically with the energy of the original Lemurian sages and healers. The Lemurians were said to be Stewards of the Earth.

The Lemurian quartz crystals have been identified as tools of the present era's Lightworkers whose task is to preserve the environment -- those known as Protectors of Mother Earth.

These Protectors often use Lemurian crystals to unify their energies with lightworkers throughout the world and beyond, to perform collective meditations for the benefit of the environment and all the beings who dwell on our Blue-Green Planet. These crystals are very useful for individual and collective meditations and prayer sessions that send healing energy to the magnetic grids surrounding the Earth because of their structure and origin. The Lemurians are ideal for transmitting energy around the world or to large numbers of people dispersed geographically or to large geographical areas.

Healers we have spoken to about the Lemurian crystals say that these stones have a warmth and power that they have not seen before. And we can say from personal experience using Lemurians in a clinical setting with people with chronic and life threatening illness, that these stones can open and soothe the heart chakra and the emotional body, bringing comfort and deep relaxation. They are ideal for use by vibrational healers, Reiki therapists, and other energy workers.

Jane and I have used these Smoky Citrine Shadow Healer Lemurian crystals in meditation and in our Reiki practice, and we are amazed by their complex and powerful energy. During meditation and in Reiki sessions, we found that they impart a deep, nurturing warmth, most noticeable first in the “hara” center, the storehouse of Universal Life Force Energy, or “chi”, located two fingers width below the belly button. This warm glow expanded throughout our bodies, then extended out into the aura, enlivening and brightening body, heart, and spirit.

We also found Shadow Lemurians to be very helpful companions during sleep cycles, triggering profound dream experiences, helping us recall meaningful dream experiences, and gently triggering needed catharsis of negative emotional baggage.

Reiki clients report that Shadow Lemurians provide a warm, nurturing, yet energizing effect on the body and mind, noticeable for periods of time up to several days after treatment.

Properties of Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is a traditional stone used to promote slow transformation and purification of the emotional body in conjunction with deep meditation, and citrine is the golden purifier, actively transforming and elevating the sluggish – or stuck --energies in an individual’s energy system.

The alchemical symbolism of smoky citrine manifests most clearly when the crystal is backlit or held up to a bright light, or to the sun.

The deep golden-orange-reddish glow of the transformative citrine appears to rise up within the crystal, illuminating the intensely bright darkness of the smoky quartz from within.

Smoky quartz is often used by crystal healers to facilitate the extraction of energetic blockages that prevent the smooth flow of Universal Life Force energy throughout the body, mind and aura.

Smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy. And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system.

Smoky quartz is excellent for grounding the user and to provide a powerful energy barrier protecting the user from intrusive negative emotions and collective thought forms from the outer environment.

Properties of Citrine

Citrine is a powerful semi-precious stone which is a rare, more powerful form of quartz crystal, characterized by a yellow color, ranging from white to deep copper. It is less common in nature than amethyst (another member of the quartz family, and one of the two semi-precious stones present in ametrine) but both are found in quartz veins, as well as volcanic locations and elsewhere in nature.

The color of citrine derives from small amounts (approximately 40 parts per million) of iron in the quartz. The difference between citrine and amethyst is only the oxidation state of the iron present in the quartz. Citrine typically is formed when an amethyst becomes heated to the point where the iron held within the crystal undergoes a further stage of oxidation.

Citrine is an excellent stone for clearing and cleansing body, mind, heart and aura, and never needs clearing or cleansing itself.

Citrine activates, opens and energizes the third chakra, including the navel and solar plexus, stimulating both the physical body and the mind, increasing endurance and elevating energy levels while promoting emotional balance (unlike other stimulants such as caffeine). Citrine is an excellent stone for clearing the aura of negative emotions.

In our experience, citrine cleanses the emotional and etheric bodies, and stimulates the holder’s vital energies and physical body. It imparts a strong sense of protection if worn on the body or placed in a room where energy work takes place or groups gather.

Used in energy healing, citrine is said to transmit the golden light of unity consciousness, which is tuned to the very highest vibrations of an open eighth chakra -- the chakra above the crown of the head, said to be the location of the Higher Self.

Used in meditation, citrine stimulates the seventh, crown chakra, our doorway to Cosmic Consciousness, and helps unite the seven chakras relating to the physical body with the energy frequency of the Higher Self, aligning the eighth chakra with the rest of the energy body.

When we have used citrine in Reiki and crystal energy sessions with clients, they have reported feeling a golden glow around them. We have also found that citrine is a powerful tool for extracting negative energies, gently dissolving energy blocks, and releasing negative emotions during sessions.

We often use crystal pendants for psychic protection, purification and to clarify things of a spiritual nature. See our article on Psychic Self Defense for more information along these lines with many suggestions on how to protect yourself from unwanted energies.

You can read more about crystals in our article Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation or you can read about The Crystal Wisdom of Marcel Vogel and crystal healing in our Vogel Archives along with edited chapters of his unpublished book, given to Satya Center from Marcel Vogel's family.

This crystal has been cleaned and charged with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energetic attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing so it will continue to channel and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Actual weight is 91 grams.

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