Smoky Quartz Star of David with Danburite

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Sale price$476.00


This beautiful light filled richly colored translucent Smoky Quartz Vogel cut Star of David pendant with brilliant Danburite trillion accent gemstone is of exceptional quality, both in the magnificent cut & color of the stone and in the simple silver band setting which allows the stone to breath and function at its highest vibration. This piece has tremendous clarity! This pendant comes with a simple sterling silver chain which will sit upon the thymus, between the throat and the heart chakras, where it will be of most beneficial resonance, complete in its own velvet jewelry box.

This beautiful Smoky Quartz Star of David Vogel cut pendant is an excellent crystal to wear while meditating or to simply add beauty to your day.

The Star of David cut is one developed by Marcel Vogel (IBM research scientist and founder of Psychic Research, Inc.) and is of two triangular cuts, one triangle pointing up and the other pointing down, symbolizing the higher and lower trinities, the coming together of Spirit and Earth, offering the wearer protection, wholeness and access to the Higher Self.

This Vogel Star of David cut in particular, comprised of two triangles, one pointed up and the other down, makes use of a symbol that has been used for millenia and represents the merging of the higher and lower worlds, enabling us to connect to the Divine on our path of spiritual evolution.

The Star of David is a versatile Lightworker's power tool that serves as a receiver, amplifier and transmitter of Universal Life Force energies and strengthens the bearer's bio-field, or aura.

Mystery school traditions of both East and West have for millennia taught many difficult techniques for expanding the aura, for amplifying the human energy field. The reason is simple. The stronger the aura, the more tuned in the individual is to Source, and the better able they are to conduct Universal Life Force energy from the Source.

Universal Life Force energy travels from the person with the most highly charged auric field to the person with a less highly charged field. This is how Spiritual Teachers, Ascended Masters, Gurus, Saints, Guides and angelic beings of light can have profound effects on all those who enter or are touched by their auric fields, and explains why the traditional Mystery School teachings of the East emphasize that the student must seek to be in the physical presence of the teacher to receive "darshan", the Light of the Teacher, which will bring the student many gifts.

In addition, a strong aura is the best protection from unwanted energies of all kinds, and serves as an energetic shield, protecting the bearer from all kinds of environmental toxins assailing us on the subtle levels 24 hours a day.

Those who work in the healing arts or in counseling know that a major issue for all health care providers and Lightworkers, bodyworkers and counselors is protection from the negativity encountered in the course of working on people who are wounded, physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

We all need protection useful for protection from negative thought-forms, other people's emotional debris, and other unwanted energies encountered in the everyday environment. The Star of David pendant is also excellent for amplifying and transmitting beneficial energies to others at will, in casual and clinical settings alike.

The Star of David crystals are very advanced precision tools for use in lightwork and vibrational healing.

The Star of David crystals have two sides. The front is flat and has an upward pointing triangle. The back is fatter and has a downward pointing triangle.

The front face is the male face, and it transmits light energy. The back face is the female face, and it receives light energy.

When you wear the Star of David pendant, you put the female side next to your heart, and the male side is pointing out, away from your body. When you see the translucent crystal from the front it appears to have a Star of David engraved on it, because of the two triangles cut into the faces.

This way, the female, receptive side of the crystal will pick up the energy coming from your heart, the crystal will transmute that energy into a very high frequency vibration, and the male side of the crystal will radiate that high frequency light energy in all directions around you, enveloping you and filling your aura with the cleansing, healing energy. This strengthens your aura and helps protect your from unwanted, intrusive energies of all kinds in your environment.

In addition, you can actively use the Star of David cut crystal in healing energy work.

For instance, if you have a favorite essential oil or flower essence, and you would like to deliver it to a particular part of your body for healing purposes, this is what you would do.

Take the oil or flower essence and put a drop or two on the female side of the crystal. Place the crystal male side down on the part of the body you wish to treat. Place your hand over the female side of the crystal and direct your life force energy into the crystal from the chakra in the palm of your hand. Pray for healing.

The female side of the crystal will pick up the subtle energies from the flower essences, the crystal will amplify the energy, and combine that healing energy with the energy from your palm chakra and from Source. Then the male side will radiate that energy through the male side of the crystal into the affected area.

You can do this for yourself and for others.

If you choose to use this healing crystal in this way on others, it is recommended that you clean the crystal afterwards.

Smoky quartz is a beautiful, alchemical stone of gentle healing and harmonious transformation that has a mysterious origin and powerful energetic properties useful in meditation or energy healing work.

Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of smoky quartz crystal, ranging from sodium to other minerals in the crystal. According to Melody ("Love is in the Earth"), smoky quartz is produced by the presence of sodium in clear crystal, facilitating the regulation of fluids in the body, acting much like a mineral supplement bringing mineral equilibrium.

Smoky quartz works slowly and thoroughly to relieve imbalances in the physical and etheric bodies, with special emphasis on the solar plexus and its associated chakra, the third or Manipura chakra associated with personal power and vital energy. And it works on the hands and feet. Smoky quartz can, over time, help to balance the flow of vital energy throughout the physical and etheric bodies, and aids in the development of a healthy, fully functioning chakra system

It is an aid in gently releasing blockages caused by negative energy patterns in the emotional body. Smoky quartz has been used as an aid in meditation, for energy healing, and to create a protective barrier of energy around the holder, being grounding and clearing the mind.

According to Melody's excellent reference book on semi-precious stones, "Love is in the Earth", smoky quartz gently removes emotional and mental blockages and negative energies over time. A stone of cooperation, smoky quartz promotes teamwork and unity.

"It can be used to relieve barriers which may exist between the beta and alpha state of the mind; hence, if one is worried and desires to set aside the thinking mind and to clear the mental channels, smoky quartz can facilitate," says Melody. "It tends to refine the vibratory energies when one is in a state of meditation, allowing for both the clarity of thought and the elimination of impeding willfulness. It can be used to initiate a powerful force field which will absorb many forms of negativity, both from within oneself and from outer sources."

"Smoky quartz is an excellent grounding stone," Melody continues, "enhancing attentiveness to the moment and producing the grounding aspects necessary during the meditative state in order to stimulate higher awareness."

Our experience in working with smoky quartz both for ourselves in meditation and self treatment & with clients on the Reiki table is one of supreme protection, slow and deep healing, and gentle awakening of spirit. Smoky quartz guards our house, is a companion to the sick and is a humble & deep gift from the Mother.

Danburite is a very hard stone with a vitreous luster. The metaphysical community prizes Danburite for its ability to connect the bearer to sources directly to sources of Higher Wisdom and to vast libraries of information located in the "akashic records". "Akasha," in Sanskrit, means "brilliant," "shining" or "luminous." "Akashic records" is a theosophical term referring to a universal library of light which records every thought, word, and action, past, present and future, and the templates for all structures and processes in the material world. These records are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha or Soniferous Ether.

Danburite is also known for its ability to help you "let your light shine", connecting you with Higher Self and Higher Purpose, while enhancing your ability to co-operate with others in group activities beneficial to all involved.

In addition, Danburite energizes the entire energy system, body, mind and aura, opening the chakras and increasing the flow of prana, or Universal Life Force energy. For this reason, you may find that using Danburite during meditation or other spiritual practices can result in increased body temperature, tingling sensations in the spine, and in the perception of an "expanded aura".

From personal experience during meditation with Danburite, I can tell you that much depends upon intent. When my intent has been to quiet the mind, holding one of these crystals reduces mental chatter to virtually nothing, while stimulating the crown chakra, the third eye & the eighth chakra above the crown, creating a feeling of warmth & depth, a buzzing and a tingling on the crown of the head and between the eyebrows. There was a physical awareness of a tremendous flows of energy carried on the inbreath and outbreath from the eighth chakra and higher, spiritual sources, through these vital centers and deep into the body.

Concentration on the inner light, and inner meditative visualizations were greatly enhanced, and the ability to connect to inner spiritual guidance, Guides and Teachers increased markedly.

The Star of David cut is one developed by Marcel Vogel (IBM research scientist and founder of Psychic Research, Inc.) and is of two triangular cuts, one triangle pointing up and the other pointing down, symbolizing the higher and lower trinities, the coming together of Spirit and Earth, offering the wearer protection, wholeness and access to the Higher Self.

This cut in particular, comprised of two triangles, one pointed up and the other down, makes use of a symbol that has been used for millennia and represents the merging of the higher and lower worlds, enabling us to connect to the Divine on our path of spiritual evolution.

The Star of David cut crystal was invented by IBM scientist and energy healer Marcel Vogel. He invented the coating on computer hard drives that holds the memory. He was also a renowned energy healer who created precision cut crystals intuitively, according to the principles of sacred geometry, for healing and meditation purposes. Marcel always wore a Star of David for protection.

The Star of David crystals are very advanced precision tools for use in lightwork and vibrational healing.

The Star of David crystals have two sides. The front is flat and has an upward pointing triangle. The back is fatter and has a downward pointing triangle.

The front face is the male face, and it transmits light energy. The back face is the female face, and it receives light energy.

When you wear the Star of David pendant, you put the female side next to your heart, and the male side is pointing out, away from your body. When you see the translucent crystal from the front it appears to have a Star of David engraved on it, because of the two triangles cut into the faces.


This way, the female, receptive side of the crystal will pick up the energy coming from your heart, the amethyst will transmute that energy into a very high frequency vibration, and the male side of the crystal will radiate that high frequency light energy in all directions around you, enveloping you and filling your aura with the cleansing, healing energy. This strengthens your aura and helps protect your from unwanted, intrusive energies of all kinds in your environment.

In addition, you can actively use the Star of David cut crystal in healing energy work. For instance, if you have a favorite essential oil or flower essence, and you would like to deliver it to a particular part of your body for healing purposes, this is what you would do.

Take the oil or flower essence and put a drop or two on the female side of the crystal. Place the crystal male side down on the part of the body you wish to treat. Place your hand over the female side of the crystal and direct your life force energy into the crystal from the chakra in the palm of your hand. Pray for healing.

The female side of the crystal will pick up the subtle energies from the flower essences, the crystal will amplify the energy, and combine that healing energy with the energy of the violet ray. Then the male side will radiate that energy through the male side of the crystal into the affected area.

You can do this for yourself and for others.

If you choose to use this healing crystal in this way on others, it is recommended that you clean the crystal afterwards.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. It has also cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. It is ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

We know you will use this powerful crystal with loving wisdom and respect its long journey in the Earth that has lasted for many long historical cycles.

Read more about quartz and other types of crystals and gemstones at the Crystalpedia. Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Above weight is shipping weight including jewelry box. Net Weight: .30 oz. including chain.

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