Spinning Smoky Citrine Sphere on Golden Rutile Quartz Base with Huge Manifestation Crystal by Brian Cook

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Sale price$3,218.00


This 2.25 inch long Spinning Smoky Citrine Sphere on Golden Rutile Quartz Base with Huge Manifestation Crystal was created by AGTA Fashion Forward award winning gemologist and jewelry designer Brian Cook.

The base was carved from AAA quality Brazilian rutilated quartz and the 1.5" diameter spinning smoky sphere on top, which rests in a small depression in the base, is AAA Brazilian smoky quartz with NO inclusions whatsoever. 

There is a HUGE manifestation crystal rising up from the bottom of the rutilated quartz base of this gorgeous crystal artwork.

This remarkable altarpiece will transform the subtle energy in your room, elevating the energetic signature of the space and offering protection from negative energies that may be ambient in the area.

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Manifestation Crystals

Manifestation stones exhibit fully formed crystals within another crystal. They are very rare!

Manifestation crystals come in two flavors: a small double terminated point that grew totally within the host crystal or a crystal that previously bridged into a larger one and has become enclosed within the host crystal over time. This "bridged" crystal appears totally within the host crystal and appears to grow from the matrix at the crystal's base.

The HUGE manifestation crystal in the rutilated quartz base of this unique carved crystal artwork is of the second kind as you can see in the pictures on this page.

Manifestation crystals are considered by crystal healers to be "worlds within worlds", and are used to concentrate energy on a desired outcome in one's life, helping to bring focus, willpower, and the Guidance of Spirit to one's aid in creating a desired reality, a new world, as it were.

In doing any kind of manifestation work, it is important to be clear on what it is you are trying to manifest or birth into existance in your life.

Whether it is to become more fully realized or spiritually evolved, or to manifest enough funding for projects, or even to manifest a stronger spiritual center so that you are more able to fully engage in anything which may come up for you to deal with in your life, it is important to remember that a clear vision before you meditate with this stone is very important.

You can use this stone to contact Divine Mind, Divine Guides, Divine Compassion and in this way, be more fully present to your life.

So working with this kind of Quartz, the Manifestation Stone will assist you greatly, if you accept & begin exactly where you already are! Know that you are Divine, the Divine lives in you & you can greatly enhance any spiritual practices you undertake with such a loving crystal treasure from our Mother Earth.

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Golden Rutile Quartz

This rutilated crystal contains needle-like inclusions of titanium inside it. Rutile is a titanium ore.

Titanium is used in high tech and aerospace alloys because it’s a lightweight super-conductor of electrical energy, exhibits great tensile strength and resists corrosion.

Rutilated quartz crystals have a high-energy charge, which is particularly effective in releasing energy blockages.

For energy healing, rutillated quartz can be placed near the navel and around any area where the energy feels sluggish. Compared to other forms of quartz, rutilated quartz has a greatly enhanced ability to help dissolve any energy congestion.

Rutilated quartz is an ideal energizer of people, other crystals and plants of all kinds. In our experience, rutilated quartz has a VERY strong, very "electrical" and affects physical, etheric and astral bodies.

By strengthening the mind and promoting active awareness this rutilated clear quartz crystal can help to enhance concentration and mental focus and help you to increase the depth and duration of your meditation sessions and the strength of your connection to inner spiritual guidance and spiritual teachers.

Rutilated quartz, in my experience, when used in crystal healing, Reiki, or meditation sessions, act as a stimulant to the nervous system and the etheric body.

Rutile is good at repelling negative energy and ending unwanted interference. Rutile promotes and strengthens stability in relationships and marriage, and works to eliminate emotional and physical imbalances. Rutile is very "electrical" and affects physical, etheric and astral bodies.

Rutilated Quartz is also ideal for sending light to the energy grids surrounding the earth, for sending energy to distant locations and for use to help harmonize the energy during group meditational practices.

Mineralogical and Metaphysical Properties of Smoky Citrine

Citrine is a powerful semi-precious stone which is a rare, more energetically powerful form of quartz crystal, characterized by a yellow color, ranging from white to deep copper. It is less common in nature than amethyst (another member of the quartz family, and one of the two semi-precious stones present in ametrine) but both are found in quartz veins, as well as volcanic locations and elsewhere in nature.

The color of citrine derives from small amounts (approximately 40 parts per million) of iron in the quartz. The difference between citrine and amethyst is only the oxidation state of the iron present in the quartz. Citrine typically is formed when an amethyst becomes heated to the point where the iron held within the crystal undergoes a further stage of oxidation.

Mineralogists say there may be more than one cause for the gray to brown to black color range of smoky quartz crystal.

Some mineralogists suggest the dark pigment in smoky quartz results from the presence of trivalent titanium or the presence of certain carbon compounds.

Other mineralogists suggest that the characteristic dark brown to black color of smoky quartz is produced when clear quartz is exposed to natural radiation emanating from radioactive rocks in the same geological formation where the quartz crystals form and grow.

The current most widely accepted scientific hypothesis is that when clear quartz is exposed to radiation, the radiation alters the oxidation states of mineral impurities found within the quartz structure, resulting in smoky quartz.

Smoky quartz is a traditional stone of slow transformation and purification of the emotional body through deep meditation, and citrine is the golden purifier, actively transforming and elevating the sluggish – or stuck -- energies in an individual’s energy system.

Smoky quartz and citrine are both found in high-temperature hydrothermal veins in Brazil, and both are used by Lightworkers to transform negative or unwanted energies.

Smoky Citrine combines the energies of these two powerful types of crystal.

Smoky citrine is a form of what is known as “the philosopher’s stone”, a catalyst in the alchemical transformation of the human soul, which consists of elevating the vital energy, the heart’s desire and the mind’s focus to the frequencies characteristic of the higher chakras, and of attuning the mind more and more consciously to the energy signatures of the elevated spiritual realities one encounters there.

Smoky citrine works to gently purify and cleanse the physical and astral bodies, energize the root, third and crown chakras, increase the flow of Universal Life Force energy throughout the mind, body and aura, and to protect the bearer from unwanted or deleterious energies impacting the bearer's energy field.

A client recently reported that the Smoky Citrine enabled him to feel protected from other peoples' energies & that people who used to irritate him, no longer affected him in that way. He was able to become the watcher & allow the person to be in their space without negatively impacting his own auric field.

The alchemical symbolism of smoky citrine manifests most clearly when the crystal is backlit or held up to a bright light, or to the sun.

The deep golden glow of the transformative citrine appears to rise up within the crystal, illuminating the intensely bright darkness of the smoky citrine quartz from within. Just so, the bearer will find that smoky citrine illuminates that which is dark within body, mind and aura, transmuting what had been negative energies into powerful, positive energies of self-transformation. Self-transformation is the true alchemy.

Check out our FREE e-book Spirits of Stone: A Lightworker's Guide to Crystals and Gemstones for Healing and Meditation for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

This crystal has been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement using Reiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation.

Above weight is shipping weight. Net weight is 139 grams.


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