Venus Box

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Sale price$725.00


Venus Box is another of the series of mixed media beeswax boxes based upon my researches into the etymology of words about women. See the piece in this gallery entitled "Mother" for more information on these kinds of words, and the meaning they hold for me.

This piece is made from beeswax, paper, cardboard and ink, and is bordered with snakeskin.

The ancient mythological constellation of the goddess and the serpent refers to the eternal dance of life. The goddess is the matrix within which the universal forms manifest. She is the renewer of life, and her energy is the universal life force energy that continuously transforms all beings, as they evolve through endless cycles of birth and death.

This piece evokes these ancient memories and crystallizes this ancient source of wisdom and shakti for today's world.

You can see the shot on this page of a group of these mixed media wax shadow boxes and icons. They look good either one at a time or in a group like this.

Contact me if you're interested in purchasing a selection of these pieces. I'm happy to discuss it and make an arrangement suitable to your needs.

Read more about my work in my artist statement, Creating Spiritual Art for the New Millenium and resume.

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