Venus Unbound Limited Edition Artist Book

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Sale price$4,340.00


Venus Unbound explores the misogynist history of both Eastern and Western civilizations and reclaims the symbols of female power which have been subverted by priestly cultures worldwide. Powerful images depicting archetypal psycho-sexual drama alternate with accounts of the artist's dreams--some oracular, some light hearted--selected from hundreds recorded over many years.

This is a limited edition published by Granary Books in NYC, with the addition of hand gouaches, foil pictures and other add-ons. This beautiful book has a Coptic binding and is housed in a beautiful mauve colored stand alone box with a foil imprint of an archer on the front of the box.

To see more images from Venus Unbound go to the Venus Unbound article page. You can also find single pages from the book that are available for sale, suitable for framing, in this artist book section of the art gallery.

Note: Actual weight of boxed book is 89.7 oz. The book itself weighs 68 oz. Weight above is shipping weight.

Read more about my work in my artist statement, Creating Spiritual Art for the New Millenium and resume.

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