Many of the drawings I have created over the years incorporate narratives. I use a variety of materials which gives my work a depth of feeling, both from the media used and the symbolic content of the drawings. I have created a series of "Magic Lantern Drawings" over the years, based upon a technique actually learned in kindergarten! Often my drawings feel like paintings and recall the ancient process of creating palimpsests, where one layer obscures another, with parts of each showing through the layers. Feel free to order an original drawing or a digital version of any of the drawings on this page. This Magic Lantern drawing to the left is available here as a digital art print.
My work hopes to function as a bridge for the mind to the realm of myth and hieroglyph, as a ritual in which the viewer consciously or unconsciously regains contact with the higher realms of consciousness embodied by intuition, mystical unity, and divine play. We are the continuous and conscious witness to our own evolution.
Read more about the artwork I have created for more than 40 years in my Artist's Statement and see my resume for a catalog of exhibitions and information on my collectors.