Cosmic Weather Forecast: Watch Out for Eruptions of Spontaneous Self-Transformation!

Welcome to the December 1, 2009 Gemini Full Moon edition of the SatyaCenter newsletter. Warm greetings from your Editor, Curtis Lang and your co-editor, Jane Sherry.

This roller-coaster year is rapidly drawing to a close. Here in America, we are slowly realizing that old ways of behaving, old ways of doing business, old ways of relating to others, are all causing more problems than they are solving.

The economy is said to be recovering, but unemployment is at its highest since the Great Depression and global investors are seeking shelter in something different nearly every week – gold, US Treasuries, the yen, German Treasury bonds, and so forth. It’s clear that we need ways of organizing our economy. There are no proposals on the horizon to fix the system or insure that the economy doesn’t collapse in a panic once again.

Health care? We know that’s broken, and everyone except the politicians in Washington can agree that the half-measures President Obama has proposed will not fix the system.

The environment? Well, we know that we as a country are not investing in new green technologies and industries. Instead we are focused on maximizing profits from old ways of doing things, from old technologies. This will not fix the system.

So we are faced with a clear picture of a society that cannot continue with old ways and yet cannot yet envision or implement new ways of life that will prove sustainable, equitable and equal to the challenges of the 21st century.

Judging by the popularity of disaster films with apocalyptic and quasi-New Age themes, such as 2012, celluloid zombie chillers, serial killer thrillers, and a surge of vampire chic in Hollywood and on the catwalks of Manhattan, the collective American consciousness seems to be expecting and even savoring, the onset of massive, unprecedented disasters and a war of all-against-all that represents the devolution of humanity into a demonic state, turning our beautiful Mother Earth into a hell-realm for humanity.

You might say the changes we are experiencing are so powerful that we’ve gone beyond a crisis of confidence in the system, and now face a crisis of faith. Faith in ourselves, faith in humanity’s spiritual evolution and faith in Spirit.

The test now for our society is to keep the faith that we have the power to create effective and required changes we know we need but which we don’t know how to implement before our present way of life destroys our hopes for the future.

As individuals, we are also faced with a tsunami of change that threatens our very sense of self-worth and identity. Can we keep our job? Find a way to pay for health care? Live a sustainable lifestyle? Fund our retirement? Find better paid work that offers a truly valuable service in the world rather than just a paycheck?

There’s a miasma of fear, depression and anger surrounding the planet, generated by people who are understandably concerned about the future.

It’s time to ring out the old year, and the old ways, and ring in the new.

Fortunately, the Cosmic Weather Forecast offers us some much-needed support in this effort to cross over into new lands, new lifestyles, and new ways of living, working and loving that will evolve into a new post-oil, post-capitalist environmentally friendly human culture.

And this Full Moon offers us a perfect opportunity to practice some meditation techniques that are outlined below. You’ll learn techniques that will help protect us from the negative emotions and thought-forms swirling around us, and help liberate us from the bad habits, negative emotions and mental confusion that keep us trapped in a cycle of self-delusion.

Then we’ll be ready to pursue our own individual New Year Vision Quests.

For more information about how to gracefully walk the path of empathy with discernment and compassion, see Psychic Self Defense, by Jane Sherry.

This Wednesday, December 2, 2009, at 2:31 am EST, the Moon is full at 10º 15’ Gemini, peaking just 12 hours after Uranus stations direct at 23º Pisces after months of retrograde movement.

 Floor Mosaic of Uranus-Aion, God of Eternity, with a celestial sphere covered in Zodiacal signs in his hand, with Mother Earth and the Four Seasons.

Glyptothek , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Retrograde Uranus is a lot like having the accelerator stuck to the floor while the car is in reverse and you need to go forward, but the transmission is shot, so you can’t change gears and you are mashing the brakes like crazy.

Picture the “debate” about health care from the point of view of someone who actually wanted to reform the present system with the help of our elected officials. Picture the health care debate between Democrats and Republicans – and how the lobbyists from big pharma and big insurance companies set the agenda and determine the direction in which the so-called reform will go.

We the people are stuck with a political system, or transmission, that doesn’t work, we’re stuck in reverse and going as fast as we can in the wrong direction. We won’t be able to repair the entire health care system, or the political system in America this month, but we can definitely work on ourselves, and our stars hold the promise of a very positive outcome for all such inner work.
Self-transformation is the keynote of the month, and the implication is of potentially explosive or exceptionally thorough-going transformation, given the involvement of Uranus, planet of revolution.

This month we are challenged to balance the wisdom of Spirit with the wisdom of the body and thus to create a new Vision for our future, a Vision aligned with Higher Purpose, in accordance with the highest and best good for all humanity.

This is the first time in months that all the major planets will be seen as in “direct” forward motion, and indicates there is now more space and time and energy available for us so we can more easily move forward on all our projects, plans, and goals.

This week’s Full Moon in Gemini is a great time to make a fresh start, to change your course, to get on the good side of change, because big changes are coming for us all.

That’s the message of Uranus, the bringer of revolutionary change, the Cosmic Trickster, the Master of Transformation, who offers us the opportunity to shed our worn out habits, thought-forms, and mental maps of the world like a snake sheds its skin during hibernation.

We’ve all felt the changes approaching us throughout the course of the year, and now it’s time to make friends with change, to ride the waves of change by becoming one with the energy of change during our meditation.

Our bodies, infused with the energy of that change, incoming from celestial sources, are our best instruments for registering the nature of upcoming changes, and for helping us attune ourselves to the people, places, work, relationships, and home that are best suited to us and most conducive to the pursuit of our Higher Purpose.

Uranus Lifts the Veil
Uranus will be at 23º Pisces this week as the planet of revolutionary change stations and goes direct. The Sabian Symbol for 23º Pisces is “A ‘materializing’ medium giving a séance.”

A séance is an unforgiving performance, if genuine. The medium must materialize or manifest physical phenomena using subtle energies. In a séance, the invisible, insubstantial spiritual world is made visible and tangible, and communication between Earth and heaven becomes suddenly possible, even easy.

This symbol indicates that each of us is being challenged by the Universe to do as we say. We have talked a lot about what needs to change, now it’s time for us to be the change we want to see in the world.

In a séance, the medium utilizes his or her own Universal Life Force energy to materialize phenomena that become visible and tangible to all those in the room. Normally if the medium is genuine, the séance will literally drain the medium of energy, and they will experience great fatigue after the materialization takes place.

The Universe is telling us that this month it’s not enough to just make a resolution to change, we’ve got to begin to make the tough changes that we know are necessary in our lives to align words with deeds, heart with mind, and body with Spirit. We all know where we have been meaning to make meaningful change in our lives, and we all know what we need to do to make that change real.

If you have a long personal improvement to-do list on your desk, now is the time to take action!

Full Moon in Gemini

The position of the Moon at this time shows us the inner landscape that we all face this week, the inner work that we need to do, and the best means for achieving our spiritual goals.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon in Gemini is “Newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities for experience.” This indicates that the energy of this Full Moon is ideal for spiritual practices that can open the practitioner to a new awareness of the unique contribution and the unique gifts that he or she possesses.

Those who seek inner spiritual guidance concerning new opportunities in life, new directions for career, for relationships and for family would benefit from deep meditation and prayer at this Full Moon, because this is the ideal time for a Vision Quest, a retreat to the inner mountaintop where we can achieve a clear view of our own Higher Purpose, our own gifts and strengths that can help achieve that Higher Purpose, and the various possible pathways toward fulfillment of that Higher Purpose that the Universe is offering us now and in the near future.

Sagittarius Solar Festival Vision Quest Meditation

The position of the Sun at this Full Moon indicates the conditions we face in the outer world, information that is important to the personality and rational mind in achieving goals shaping our place in society, and in the world around us.

The Sun in Sagittarius indicates a person with an adventurous spirit and a strength of will that make for an intrepid explorer of new realms, physical and metaphysical. The Sagittarian envisions the shortest, most straightforward path to the chosen goal, and sets forth like an arrow upon the wind. So this Full Moon we are challenged to move forward toward our goals, rapidly and directly.

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun during this Full Moon is at 10º 15’ Sagittarius – “In the left section of an archaic temple, a lamp burns in a container shaped by the human body.”

This symbol indicates that the wisdom we need is to be found in the Divine Spark within each of us, in the Temple of our hearts, which are found on the left side of our bodies.

The challenge for the mind this week is to let go – to let go of attempts to control, to rationalize, and to steer our lives according to pre-conceived personal or social notions concerning what we should do, ought to do, need to do, or absolutely must do, according to conventional wisdom.

Instead we are given the opportunity to see our way forward by the light of the lamp that burns within us – we are challenged to listen to the wisdom encoded in our own bodies and to act upon that wisdom. We are given the gift of the Vision Quest.

If you are faced with decisions concerning career, family, love life, health or home issues, you can use the innate wisdom of the human body to empower you during your Vision Quest this Full Moon.

First set aside all that you think you know about the situation.

Sit quietly and meditate upon the issue before you. How does that feel in your body? You can gauge the magnitude of the issue by the feelings in your body. The more intense, the more weight the issue has and more pressing the concern, the greater the need to seek resolution.

Now imagine that you have attempted to resolve the issue according to some pre-conceived idea you have. How does that feel in your body? If it doesn’t feel really great, maybe you need to rethink your concept.

Ask your Higher Self, your Guides, or Teachers to reveal to you the best possible path forward. Sit quietly in meditation, and see what comes to you. Then once again imagine that you are taking that new path that has been revealed to you in meditation. How does that feel in your body?

Repeat this exercise as needed until you find a scenario, a path forward, that makes your body feel really good, and when you’ve got that you’ve got a path that will work for you.

Likewise, if you are at a party, confronted with a bewildering array of tempting dishes and drinks, you may want to imagine that you have already eaten or drunk, and see how that feels in your body. You will find out if you repeat this exercise over time that you can predict with great accuracy what foods and drinks your body will enjoy and what foods and drinks might leave you wishing you hadn’t gone to the party at all.

You can use this same exercise to predict what will happen if you are at a holiday party and torn between two potential dates. Imagine that you are with one, then the other, and compare and contrast the feelings in your body. Use that body awareness to make a decision about which partner will be better for you in the long run, even if your rational mind might disagree.

You can do this same exercise with potential career moves, when considering moving your home, or when making other life-changing decisions. Learn to balance the intuitive guidance from Higher Self and Guides and Teachers with the ancient wisdom of your human body.

To be sure you are receiving guidance from Spirit as well as from the primal wisdom of your own body, you might also try another exercise this week in your meditation or prayer practices.

Archangel Michael, Uranus and Self-Transformation

This extremely powerful protection meditation is designed to work with the energies of Uranus going direct in Pisces, and thus to liberate us from all that has been impeding our spiritual progress, from everything that makes us fearful, shy, depressed or generally unhappy with ourselves.

Archangel Michael Defeats Satan

Guido Reni , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

When you are beset, fearful, depressed or angry, call upon Archangel Michael! Perform this Michael Meditation as an antidote to the collective nightmares of cataclysm surfacing in the collective consciousness and to the inner and outer negativity we know as our karma –karma that consists of our egoistic desires, our negative emotions, our less-than-desirable personality traits and tendencies, and our mistaken mental maps of the world.

This is the height of the time of year sacred to Archangel Michael. During the remnant of this fall season of the year, which lasts until the Winter Solstice on December 21st, Archangel Michael is the presiding Angel overseeing the cycles of growth and death of all vegetation and overseeing humanity’s spiritual development as well.

The philosopher, spiritual scientist and Christian mystic Rudolf Steiner granted the Archangel Michael a very special role in today's world.

Michael's role is revealed in the Bible's Apocalypse of St. John (12:7) "And there was a war in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. . .and the dragon was cast out into the Earth. . .having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."

For Steiner, who lived at the turn of the Twentieth Century, the Apocalypse is a metaphor for modern times. Steiner believed the Apocalypse was not a physical war but rather a spiritual struggle between the forces of materialism, represented by the Lord of Darkness, called Ahriman, and the forces of Spirit. The Forces of Light represent humanity's free will and the Forces of Darkness represent oppression and suppression of that free will.

In this Titanic struggle for the souls of all humanity, Archangel Michael leads the forces of Light, wielding a fiery sword, the sword of free will.

Michael is said to help women and men to find their own spiritual purpose and path in life, and to help, guide, protect and energize them that they may exercise their will forces in the service of the light, choosing to freely walk upon their own personal path of Spirit, and thus advancing their spiritual evolution, and the evolution of all humanity.

For Steiner, the physically compelling forces of the summer season, when heat rises in plants, animals and human beings alike, and the air is saturated with desire, correspond to the element of sulfur, and this element stimulates a wide range of material and emotional excitements, all of which tend to increase the average person's attachment to the material world.

This presents a danger during these Apocalyptic times, when the Lord of Darkness seeks to entrap all humanity in a purely materialistic existence, devoid of all spirituality. Manifestations of Ahrimanic influence include political systems that seek to dominate through military force, economic systems that seek to enrich the few at the expense of the many, philosophical systems that seek to depict all human activity as neo-Darwinian, psychological theories that reduce humanity's free will to a set of biologically determined chemical reactions, and all reductionist, purely mechanistic scientific models of the universe.

At the fall time of year, when sensational meteor showers, largely composed of iron, traditionally streak across the night sky, Steiner's clairvoyant vision saw the traditional flashing iron sword of Michael. The meteoric sword of Michael was thought to cleanse the Earth's atmosphere of sulfurous influences, allowing the Higher Self to emerge and guide the initiate along the path of Spirit toward the birth of the Inner Christ Light, an event which takes place in December, during the festival of Christmas.

Archangel Michael is the patron and protector of Lightworkers, and is always available to help us overcome fear, doubt, and negative emotions and thought-forms from our lives. Michael’s color is electric blue.

The Archangel Michael Meditation

To begin an Archangel Michael meditation, sit quietly in a cross-legged position or in a chair if that is more comfortable, place your hands palms up on your knees, and close your eyes.

Begin to breathe deeply, from the belly. Breathe in slowly, through the nose, to the count of five if possible, then breathe out even more slowly, through the nostrils, to the count of ten if possible. Continue to breathe in this manner. If you inhale to the count of two, then exhale to a four count, and so forth.

Repeat this for a minute or two until you feel yourself shifting into a space of peace, quiet and meditation.

Say this – “I call upon Archangel Michael for protection against all negative energies in my environment, and I ask Michael to use his sword of light to cut the cords that bind me to all those individuals and sentient beings, in the material and spiritual worlds, that transmit negative emotions and thought-forms to me.”

As you do this, visualize Archangel Michael, a giant being of Light armed with an electric-blue sword of cleansing fire.

Every emotional interchange and intense interaction we have with another being creates energetic cords that connect us with these others. These cords hook into our chakras, our energy bodies, even our physical body, and then act as conduits of energy, and energy flows along these cords until the cords are cut or dissolved. This is the energetic basis for the formation of karma between individuals.

Karma is simply strong, unbalanced energy flowing between two parties, and that strong energy seeks to flow between the two parties until the connection is broken.

When another being with whom we have strong emotional connections seeks to push negative thoughts or emotions out into the world or specifically to transmit such thoughts or emotions to us, that energy can be transmitted instantly through the energetic hooks and cords that bind us to them.

We all have experienced many instances when other people have sought to impose their own will on us, to force us to do what they want, to force us to feel what they want us to feel, to force us to behave in the way they see us behaving, which often has nothing at all to do with our own Higher Purpose or desires.

In these cases, these people have been transmitting their energy through hooks and cords to us, and that strong energy can shift us off center and even cause us to experience thoughts, feelings and actions of others as if they were our own.

People are inter-connected energetically in so many different ways through hooks and cords, for so many different reasons, that the average person’s aura looks a lot like a pin cushion.

In the case of a child, the hooks and cords to the parents appear to some clairvoyants as white in color and are essential for the proper development of the child. In most cases, in adults, hooks and cords are the result of emotional trauma, family dynamics, love and sex relationships, and serious conflicts with others.

The normal human adult will have some hooks and cord type energetic connections that vibrate on a very high frequency, some that transmit some negative emotions, and others that transmit substantial negative energy.

We want to focus for this meditation on those energetic connections that result from karma that creates patterns of negative behavior, negative emotions and negative thought-forms. For purposes of this meditation, we will call this “negative karma” to distinguish it from the karma of healthy, ongoing, loving relationships and family that is not meant to be broken during this lifetime.

Now it is time to end the negative karma we have with others whose energies interfere with our own free will and Higher Purpose.

Visualize Archangel Michael with his great flaming sword, and see a bright shining arc of electric blue energy traveling from Michael to you. See yourself surrounded by this electric blue energy. See Michael’s hand descending toward you. See Michael’s great sword of electric blue light scanning your body from the crown chakra to beneath your feet.

Chakra System by Jane Sherry

As you see Michael’s sword at your crown chakra, ask for release: “I ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that bind me to all those with whom I have negative karma that resides in my crown chakra, for whatever reason. I ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that bind me to all those who have presented themselves to me as spiritual authority figures in an attempt to substitute their will for my own.”

See Michael’s sword cutting the cords that bind you to others through the crown chakra.

If you like, ask Michael and your Guides to show you the people with whom you have these hooks and cords. They may or may not want to share that information with you, because it may or may not be necessary at all for you to know the specific details.

If you are shown these people, bless them and forgive them for any interference they may have caused, and see Michael releasing you from your connection to them. Then see them standing before you without any hooks or cords connecting you.

Always take some time to savor the feelings that arise in you while this hooks and cords work is done and take the time to allow any negative emotions to bubble up to the surface and to be released for healing.

As you see Michael’s sword at your third eye chakra, ask for release: “I ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that bind me with negative karma to all those who are connected to me through the third eye chakra, for whatever reason, and to restore my faith and trust in Spirit, releasing me from all energies of depression, despair, mistrust and cynicism.”

See Michael’s sword cutting the cords that bind you to others through the third eye chakra. If you like, ask Michael and your Guides to show you the people with whom you have these hooks and cords. They may or may not want to share that information with you, because it may or may not be necessary at all for you to know the specific details.

If you are shown these people, bless them and forgive them for any interference they may have caused, and see Michael releasing you from your connection to them. Then see them standing before you without any hooks or cords connecting you.

As you see Michael’s sword at your throat chakra, ask for release: “I ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that bind me in negative karma to all those who are connected to me through the throat chakra, for whatever reason, and to restore my self-confidence and my ability to communicate my truth, fully and completely to others in Spirit, releasing me from all energies of self-doubt, self-suppression, shyness and inability to communicate.”

See Michael’s sword cutting the cords that bind you to others through the throat chakra. If you like, ask Michael and your Guides to show you the people with whom you have these hooks and cords. They may or may not want to share that information with you, because it may or may not be necessary at all for you to know the specific details.

If you are shown these people, bless them and forgive them for any interference they may have caused, and see Michael releasing you from your connection to them. Then see them standing before you without any hooks or cords connecting you.

Always take some time to savor the feelings that arise in you while this hooks and cords work is done and take the time to allow any negative emotions to bubble up to the surface and to be released for healing.

The heart chakra and the lower chakras generally tend to be like pincushions over the course of a lifetime, since the majority of love relationships, sexual relationships, family relationships, business relationships and friendships impact the lower chakras more than others.

Observe the example of a typical “love” relationship. Seen on an energetic level most such relationships are dominated more by lust and desire than by true love. Often, the lover seeks to capture the energy of the Beloved in the form of sexual activity, attention, and emotional interchanges. The intensity of the sexual and emotional interchange is far more important than the quality of the interchange. Emotional outbursts, for example, provide lots of energy.

A lover captures the energy of the beloved by creating mental, emotional, karmic and energetic attachments to that person. In this way, the lustful lover can obtain a steady flow of life force energy from the loved one. In this respect, narcissistic, lustful love is a form of mutual parasitism.

These energetic attachments are very real, and can be seen by clairvoyants. They are cords that extend most often from the lover’s major chakra centers to the loved one’s major chakra centers.

These cords are created by the lover’s intent, conscious or unconscious, to obtain the loved one’s energy for his or her own egoistic purposes, and to fill the void within him or her with that energy.

The lover sinks energetic hooks into the auric field of the loved one to compensate for a perceived inability to connect with the Divine Source which alone can fill the Self with Love and Light, with energy unbounded. 

Of course this is an illusion fostered by the egoistic self. In reality we are all connected to the Universal Source of life force energy at all times and our Higher Self always has the ability to infuse our being with this living loving intelligent light.

All we have to do is let go of the ego and relinquish control of our being to the Higher Self. But that is difficult to do, and this relinquishment appears to the ego as a form of death, to be avoided at all costs.

So the game continues between the two lustful lovers.

In many cases, both lovers create such energetic attachments to one another.

This is the basis for the teachings within many spiritual traditions telling us that we create karmic bonds with every sexual partner. Karma is at its most basic level an imbalanced energy exchange, and all imbalanced energy exchanges between individuals must be brought back into balance, over time. That is the Law.

Healing the Wounded Heart of the World, by Jane Sherry

“Think about the question of bonds,” suggests Mystic and Spiritual Teacher Omraam Aïvanhov. “Everything in the universe consists of bonds: the sun, stars and planets; trees and crystals; atoms and electrons, which are arranged along lines of force; faces; geometrical figures. . .Everything consists of bonds, threads, tissue. . . Every thought, every sentiment, every promise, is a bond. . .Meditate about this so as to be more aware of how terribly important it is, and be careful of the bonds you form, for your whole life is at stake.”

As you see Michael’s sword at your heart chakra, ask for release: “I ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that bind me in negative karma to all those who are connected to me through the heart chakra, for whatever reason, and to restore my space of emotional safety, my feelings of self-love, my joy in sharing and loving another, and my feelings of compassion for my fellow human beings.”

See Michael’s sword cutting the cords that bind you to others through the heart chakra. If you like, ask Michael and your Guides to show you the people with whom you have these hooks and cords. They may or may not want to share that information with you, because it may or may not be necessary at all for you to know the specific details.

If you are shown these people, bless them and forgive them for any interference they may have caused, and see Michael releasing you from your connection to them. Then see them standing before you without any hooks or cords connecting you.

Always take some time to savor the feelings that arise in you while this hooks and cords work is done and take the time to allow any negative emotions to bubble up to the surface and to be released for healing.

As you see Michael’s sword at your solar plexus or stomach chakra, ask for release: “I ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that bind me by negative karma to all those who are connected to me through the solar plexus chakra, for whatever reason, and to restore my sense of personal power, contentment with life and sense of self-worth.”

See Michael’s sword cutting the cords that bind you to others through the solar plexus chakra. If you like, ask Michael and your Guides to show you the people with whom you have these hooks and cords. They may or may not want to share that information with you, because it may or may not be necessary at all for you to know the specific details.

If you are shown these people, bless them and forgive them for any interference they may have caused, and see Michael releasing you from your connection to them. Then see them standing before you without any hooks or cords connecting you.

Always take some time to savor the feelings that arise in you while this hooks and cords work is done and take the time to allow any negative emotions to bubble up to the surface and to be released for healing. 

Parthenos Genesis, Magic Lantern Drawing by Jane Sherry

Parthenos Genesis, Magic Lantern drawing by Jane Sherry

As you see Michael’s sword at your second or sexual chakra, ask for release: “I ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that bind me by negative karma to all those who are connected to me through the second chakra, for whatever reason, and to restore my sense of personal, sexual magnetism, my fertility, and my ability to manifest what I most desire according to my True Will.”

See Michael’s sword cutting the cords that bind you to others through the second chakra. If you like, ask Michael and your Guides to show you the people with whom you have these hooks and cords. They may or may not want to share that information with you, because it may or may not be necessary at all for you to know the specific details.

If you are shown these people, bless them and forgive them for any interference they may have caused, and see Michael releasing you from your connection to them. Then see them standing before you without any hooks or cords connecting you.

As you see Michael’s sword at your root chakra, ask for release: “I ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that bind me to all those who are connected to me by negative karma through the root chakra, for whatever reason, to ground me to the Earth, and to restore my sense of personal security, my pristine Divine identity as I was at birth, and a healthy level of Universal Life Force energy throughout my body, mind and aura.”

See Michael’s sword cutting the cords that bind you to others through the root chakra. If you like, ask Michael and your Guides to show you the people with whom you have these hooks and cords. They may or may not want to share that information with you, because it may or may not be necessary at all for you to know the specific details.

If you are shown these people, bless them and forgive them for any interference they may have caused, and see Michael releasing you from your connection to them. Then see them standing before you without any hooks or cords connecting you. 

Always take some time to savor the feelings that arise in you while this hooks and cords work is done and take the time to allow any negative emotions to bubble up to the surface and to be released for healing.

When you have completed this exercise, ask Archangel Michael to fill you with the electric blue light of healing and benediction. Take a minute or two and visualize Michael’s blazing sword transmitting a torrent of blazing blue light into all your chakras, filling your body from toe to crown with sparkling, brilliant light. This is very important.

Never remove hooks and cords without replacing the lost energy with clean, fresh energy from the Source of Spirit.

Say, “Thank you” to Archangel Michael for his help. Ask that Michael enfold you in an egg of electric blue energy, which will be your shield against all unwanted energies, and which you can call upon and reinforce at any time.

You can repeat this meditation as needed. Since we usually have hooks and cords with a myriad of people, it is most likely that it would take many such sessions to completely remove all detrimental energetic attachments.

However, know that Michael and your Guides and Teachers will help you to remove the specific attachments that will most help you on a path of accelerated spiritual progress. If you are certain you know of particular individuals or groups or organizations with whom you have energy attachments, you can also ask Michael to specifically remove those attachments related to those individuals.

Simply ask for Michael’s help with issues relating to these specific people, and then go through the exercise outlined above.

Keep in mind that clearing hooks and cords between you and another person doesn't mean that you will no longer have situations which arise with that person that are challenging. What it does mean is that your auric field will be stronger. The more energy work of this kind you do will mean you are more able to deal with that person in a compassionate and balanced way. 

Tree of Life Tribe, Magic Lantern Drawing by Jane Sherry

Tree of Life Tribe, Magic Lantern Drawing by Jane Sherry

As you perform this meditation regularly, you may be gratified to see that your relationships with your lover, family, and your entire tribe improve. At a subtle energy level, all those with whom you clear these karmic attachments with Michael's help will be aware of your good work, and they will feel as liberated as you! It's a win win meditation!

May Michael be your Defender and your Liberator from this day forward!

May the Autumnal Equinox bring you and your loved ones the Divine gift of Balance this autumn season!

May you and your loved ones be blessed to receive the grace and guidance you most require to meet your loftiest spiritual and material goals.

Meditation Moment

"We must eradicate from the Soul
All fear and terror of what comes towards Man
Out of the future
And we must acquire serenity
In all feelings and sensations about the future
We must look forward
With absolute equanimity to everything that may come
And we must think only that whatever comes
Is given to us by a world directive full of wisdom.
It is part of what we must learn in this age,
Namely to live out of pure trust
Without any security in existence.
Trust in that every present help of the Spiritual World.
Truly, nothing else will do
If our courage is not to fail us.
And we must seek this awakening within Ourselves
Every morning and every evening.
Rudolf Steiner  Nov. 1917

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