Spring Festival of Humanity 2009 -- Full Moon in Sagittarius

ascension practicesCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
During Sunday’s Festival of Humanity, the love of Christ and the wisdom of the Buddha are showered down upon the Earth. Spiritual disciples of all paths and lineages and religions around the world receive inspiration and instructions concerning their roles and duties for the upcoming year.

Bush & Brezhnev: Separated at Birth?

crisis of human civilizationCurtis Lang
America is Losing The Great Game of Imperial Conquest. The Reign of Bush the Younger Resembles the Last Days of the Soviet Empire. Seemingly Impregnable and Destined to Rule Forever, Despots Always Fall.

Festival of Humanity 2006 -- Full Moon in Sagittarius

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
This Full Moon is conjunct dark Pluto and the Galactic Center. Pluto in Sagittarius supports the transformation of our culture’s most basic belief structures. When Pluto is conjunct the moon, which is the seat of our personal subconscious beliefs, and also the Galactic Center, the time is ripe for a total shift in consciousness, a transformation of personal and cultural values on the broadest possible scale.
The Twilight of The Era of Cheap Oil

The Twilight of The Era of Cheap Oil

age of aquariusCurtis Lang
We are in the twilight of the age of mass industrialization and consumption, of a long spiritual cycle focused on the development of the individual sense of self. The Aquarian age of community is coming soon.
Full Moon in Leo 2005: America's Values Wars, The Bush Inaugural

Full Moon in Leo 2005: America's Values Wars, The Bush Inaugural

9-11Curtis Lang
The majority of the American people stand for definite moral values – but not the values of right-wing fundamentalists, Republican globalizers and imperialists.

Full Moon in Gemini 2009, Archangel Michael Meditation Cosmic Weather Forecast

archangel michaelCurtis Lang and Jane Sherry
Now's the time to ask Michael for help! The changes we are experiencing are so powerful that we’ve gone beyond a crisis of confidence in the system, and now face a crisis of faith. Faith in ourselves, faith in humanity’s spiritual evolution and faith in Spirit. The test now is to keep the faith that we have the power to create effective and required changes we know we need but which we don’t know how to implement before our present way of life destroys our hopes for the future.

The State of America's DisUnion

geopoliticsCurtis Lang
America is in a state of advanced political paralysis resembling national schizophrenia. Americans now reject the Iraq war for oil, and Bush's poll numbers have sunk to Nixonian levels but Americans seem willing to support a new oil war in Iran.
Global Financial Meltdown October 2008 Newsletter

Global Financial Meltdown October 2008 Newsletter

collapse of globalizationCurtis Lang
While the middle class has declined under President Bush's reckless economic policies, the people on top have never had it so good. For the first seven years of Bush's tenure, the wealthiest 400 individuals in our country saw a $670 billion increase in their wealth, and at the end of 2007 owned over $1.5 trillion in wealth. That is just 400 families, a $670 billion increase in wealth since Bush has been in office.